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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3946[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]3947[/ATTACH] about as good as a pan seared steak could taste...wish i had a grill but very yummy. cooked with a garlic and honey sauce my mum makes. other stuff = potato salad (first time i tried making it so it came out a little funny) and cole slaw. washed down with an ice cold coke.
  2. Happy bday sir.
  3. i dont play with money i need. learnt that a long time ago by getting burnt often and then not having money for gas. interesting couple of years. made me respect money more and taught me other important life lessons. this was different though. with a $15 preflop bet, a guy with pocket 2's has no business being in that hand. especially after having no straight or flush draws, he further had no business calling a $40 bet. or the $55 bet on the turn which didnt help him at all. i was all in before the river 2 came up...fucker lucked out. whatever, lesson learnt. never get into a hand with a guy who is wearing $4000 worth of jewelery.
  4. yes.
  5. just lost 400 bucks in 3 hands in a row. sat down with $100. got dealt AA. flop comes 4K5. normal betting goes on. Turn comes A. i bet. guy calls. another pushes over the top. i call. river comes 4. guy has quad 4s. i lose $100. buy in for $100. get KK. flop comes rag-rag-rag. i bet big. same exact guy calls. turn is more junk. i push. he calls. river comes 2. he has trip 2s. i lose $100. buy back for $200. get AA. flop comes AK10. slow bets. rag on turn. more bets. rag on river. enough money in the pot for me to push. guy slow played QJ. hope he fucking gets arse aids...
  6. Class in Hawaii? Sounds like I'm at the wrong school. Looks like a good time Nate. Enjoy.
  7. All this technical talk is starting to scare me. Will it be ok with the crack? If not I shall look elsewhere. Don't fancy wasting money.
  8. Sad part is she is a better dancer than I will ever be.
  9. Happy bday sir
  10. Anyone have floor space available? Even if I were to get a room by myself or with someone else I will still be taking the floor. Can't sleep on beds. Will split cost of room two ways or three ways or however it turns out to be. Prefer to share with quiet sleepers. Getting there Thursday evening and scheduled to fly out early morning on Sunday but might change the departure if there are things going on on Sunday.
  11. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Google Voice App for iOS | wifitalk.ca
  12. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Google Voice App for iOS | wifitalk.ca
  13. You are a lawyer. Isn't justifying things what you do for a living? Tell you what...buy two and send one around for others to try out with the emotiva dac
  14. I've had a gamma 2 dac since late October. Respectable enough IMO. Don't know if this going to be any good but I certainly hope so. We shall find out soon enough
  15. Damnit why did I buy one
  16. try playing a game for 11 hours straight with a loud man screaming random shit right next to you and then tell me your eyes dont start playing games with you. when you are short stack by a large margin at a table of 8 players and you get QQ, and the flop comes K Q rag, theres a 5% chance that another player at the table has KK (the only hand that beats you on the flop) the only thing to do there is to push and double up in the event you win. even novice poker players know that. but im sure you and justin knew that already. if i have QQ with that board, KQ doesnt beat me (just gives the guy 2 pair, which the last time i checked, loses to trips) so not sure where you get that from.
  17. being married is so damn expensive. congratulations nonetheless mike. also, are you going to be around at your place at say 9:30pm? need to return a few things.
  18. lol. i was staring at the cats head thinking maybe they were talking about the cat having dreads or something. dont know.
  19. i still dont
  20. id like to stay in the rotring family but i guess i should leave the fanboyism aside and get a decent pen. i just love the weighty feel, the aesthetics and the knurled grip. if something like that were available with another pen i would try it without hesitation. do you know of any such creatures haj?
  21. rotring 600 Mechanical Pencil 0.3mm Black - eBay (item 110603971353 end time Nov-25-10 22:25:26 PST) hopefully it actually gets here. now the search for a black 600 with an ef 18k gold nib starts =/ ps. sane price for me was ~$30 shelly. my silver one was $27 shipped. long time before the prices started skyrocketing.
  22. Played in my first live tourney yesterday. 15k guarantee. Like an idiot I diidnt take any breaks for the 11 hours I was there and was fortunate enough to be seated next to a donkey who I could hear loud and clear through the jh16s with music playing. Ended up losing the majority of my stack when I misread the 6 as a 9 on the board. And then busted out when I had QQ and the other guy had KK and board was KQ. Finished 8th. Top 5 paid. Ok for a first time but it is so much more exhausting than playing online. But I was also playing cash games during the breaks so came out with 80 more than what I went there with. Not sure if live tourneys are for me but this one I probably learnt the most compared to all the others I have played. Was able to pick up some tells which I was quite happy about. It's a pretty awesome feeling when you can tell what the guy is playing and what he is about to bet.
  23. i wish i had more to tell. she doesnt do any outdoors photography. mostly takes her cameras to get togethers/dinners etc. her subjects are mostly other people. no artsy stuff.
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