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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. from my experiences with bank of america with 4 disputes including one amounting to $890 in identity theft charges (money spent on a adult entertainment site) they took care of it immediately. i had to fill out a piece of paper saying i didnt make those purchases and they refunded the money immediately. 3 disputes were for cheap stuff ($50 calling card, $75 ebay purchase, $300 ipod from apple) comparatively. no problems happened there. with the $890 issue, a credit collection agency came after me and i got the police involved eventually and a call from the police officer helping me got the credit collection agency off my back immediately. wachovia held me responsible for a $22 charge i did not make. refused to cover it even though i didnt make. should be obvious which institution i bank with now.
  2. didnt know that. thanks for the info.
  3. i never said i wanted 1080p. just slightly better resolution. thats all. or higher pixel density. higher pixel density would probably satisfy me. edit: nor did i seem to ask for a "2048x1536 10" display" either.
  4. im with dan on this one. i filed in late january i think. received the direct deposit on feb 11th.
  5. lack of retina display makes it a no go for me. i got the first version for my mom and while its nice, it is far too slow. screen could be improved a bit as well. anyone know how much ram the new one has? i think if it were a bit more than the first gen they probably would have advertised the shit out of it like they have with the twice as fast processor and the 9 times better graphics. i am scared that they either kept the ram the same amount or increased it a wee bit and offloaded all the grunt to the processor. which doesnt help matters much. is there any tablet that allows for instance, hc chat to be open and then go to another app and then go back to the hc chat without it closing (and me having to re-sign in). thats pretty much the biggest reason i didnt get an ipad (1st gen) for myself.
  6. Happy bday sir.
  7. My standards certainly won't be the same as anyone elses and yours certainly would be different from mine. Out of respect I can't post them yet. If things go in the direction I hope then I will once I am in a position to do so. She had a 10 when she quoted bertrand Russell - most people would rather die than think, while solving a pde in my office wearing my MIT sweatshirt and then discussing the kickass things she does around the hospital. Then I noticed she was pretty too
  8. I just meant to say that I would still hold her in high regard even if she weren't as pretty. Sweatshirt, check. But I wasn't shocked as she was cold and I always keep my MIT one in my office so I gave it to her before we walked to class. Even though it was oversized for her by quite a bit, she pulled it off. Said that she felt weird in MIT garb (went to Boston university) but I think she looked quite nice. Hope for different circumstances that lead to her wearing the sweatshirt next time. I am quite certain it would be foolish to claim you are a 6. Santa alone gets you like 2 points. Then there's the whole being awesome part. Well above a 6. I wish I had the gaul to say fuck the rules; I am going to ask her out now and I have come infinitely close to that on multiple occasions but there's that stupid voice in the back of my head that keeps stopping me. That I do mind. A lot. Then there's also that nagging doubt that she might feel obligated into something simply because she doesn't want to screw her grade up. Obviously I won't do that and I am fairly certain she wouldn't agree to going out unless she wanted to but after the grades are in then I get the actual answer with no doubt in my head. Of course that requires waiting for 3 months (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu). As sorry as I feel for her not being around anymore I am glad that you had a good enough time with her to where you still haven't forgotten about her. I haven't met anyone that cool yet but hope someday I will. Don't know why but I like hearing about such stories - the nice part before it abruptly ends. Gives me hope in a weird way. Perhaps if you are willing. Some day over a game of darts perhaps .
  9. Happy bday sir.
  10. I certainly could. But I don't want to wait . It's the third time she stuck around to chat. Previous times she was around for a few hours as well. Often times I find students who need help with their grades doing that but she is the only one who has gotten perfect scores on all tests so far so she isn't doing it for a grade. Well at least I hope not... Same age as me. Went to college a year early. Has double major in biochemistry and nursing. Currently is a practicing nurse and is now in medical school but is taking a partial differential equations course with me for "fun" this semester while considering starting a md phd program in mathematical biology. Can quote Oscar Wilde and Shakespeare on whim. Has a very wry sense of humor and above all is extremely well adjusted socially. I certainly am not and am learning a shitload just from our interactions. While not a priority, her being mind numbingly gorgeous doesn't hurt. Not one bit as long as you dont count last wednesdays class where i kept losing my train of thought and had to refrain from looking in her general direction to continue teaching. She has a habit of constantly taking me out of my comfort zone which is pretty small so it doesnt take much but as much discomfort as it causes i do enjoy it. Then again house did say that numbers don't lie. She is a hard 10 by all accounts. I am Maybe passable for a 5. 6 if I can claim a point for being a wee bit smart. As such I am playing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of my league here. The realization that a conversation with her made me forget about an annoying a day as yesterday is cause for worry. Hell even as I got the ticket the "fuck my life" thought passed in an instant. I'm sure no one wanted to read that teenage crap ridden post but I just don't care right now I reiterate. May can't get here fast enough.
  11. Got a C on an exam I thought I had aced this morning. Got a flat while leaving my office to get food. Smack in the middle of me putting the donut on it starts raining like crazy. No change of clothes so I go to walmart to buy some, come out and then this lady just floors her shit when I was getting out of my spot and fucks up my rear bumper completely and is now claiming severe back pain and mental trauma. Note that she hit me from behind. I get to the car shop and get the tire fixed. Go back to my office around 6pm to meet with a student who is far too smart to be taking my class and far too pretty not be a trophy. Went over some math with her for like an hour and then talked with her about the most trivial things for the next 6.5 hours. Can't remember the last time I had a normal conversation. Left school happy with a smile on my face which also happened in a while. Made me forget all about the shitty day I had had. But the evening was far too perfect. In typical Cj fashion I get pulled over for driving 54 in a 45 just before entering the highway and got a big ass ticket. My 3rd in 2 years I think so pretty sure I'm fucked now. I'd like to whine and bitch about it but as I write this post I can't help but think about the awesome time I had talking with such a lovely person. Somehow that fixes everything. If only there wasn't that stupid code of professional ethics...may can't come fast enough.
  12. Happy bday sir
  13. lets just say my 5 oclock shadow appears around mid day i can easily do a 1/4" in maybe a week. 10 days tops. it seems oddly dependent on my physical activities though. days/weeks that i am running around/working out, the beard grows waaaaaaaaaay faster. weeks when i am mostly tied to my desk i dont see as much growth. also, i dont have "thick places" everything from the chin to the sideburns to the cheeks grows at the same rate. after a week it looks creepily uniform. a lot of people have marveled at my facial manscaping only to find out later that i dont do anything. indians on average are hairy fuckers. which sucks. i AM from india. china isnt too far...
  14. the longest ive gone was about 5 weeks. ended up with about an inch of the scratchiest, most annoying crap on my face ever. might consider growing out a beard if my facial hair werent so hard/prickly. could probably get 3-4 inches in like 4 months.
  15. holy shit wayne. that doesnt look like you at all...it looks like...santa... but seriously, beard looks cool. any particular reason for growing it out? last few times i met you, you were clean shaven.
  16. i THINK i pressed "post" but nothing happened and went to another webpage. came back to hc and was like wtf...did i not press post? was far too lazy to go back and check if i had typed it or not.
  17. mother f. i have spring break the week before that and was contemplating going up to ny to spend a few days with my dad and walk around the city. if only the meet were a weekend earlier =/ can still taste the brownies from tampa
  18. dont forget that apple's online store adds sales tax. well at least for florida residents it does. so the $100 discount sort of evens itself out in the end with the tax.
  19. dont forget that apple's online store adds sales tax. well at least for florida residents it does. so the $100 discount sort of evens itself out in the end with the tax.
  20. he must hate pass gear...
  21. are thunderbolt - vga/dvi cables available in some secret corner of the website? i cant find it anywhere.
  22. blah still shitty resolution on the 13" was secretly hoping that they would improve it so i wouldnt have to get the 15".
  23. called around. that particular wine isnt available. anything else?
  24. that video makes me want to skip a mac and build a desktop with a shitload of ssds. would probably be cheaper and insanely faster.
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