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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. thank you all its been a slow day but nothing went to pot so ill chalk it up to being a good day. just finished teaching. time for homework and then home.
  2. Woohoo. Go Bryan
  3. Dude that's waaaaay too much work. My team in season 5 made me responsible for setting up our team for cevo. Team name, manager name, password, team password, scheduling password, roster password essentially anything I had to fill out was all "a" Needless to say I was never given the role of manager again. Just as well.
  4. I think it would be a rare occasion that all 4 family members are at home and everyone is on their laptops and phones at the same time. As such 5 might be ok. Since we have just 2 non apple laptops and one non iPhone I figured going with an apple router might provide ether integration. I have no brand loyalty (yet) but if a cheaper non apple router does the job (just as well) then I'd like to go for that.
  5. I remember biology definitions verbatim from 8th grade and can tell you which ion was where on the page in my Chemistry book and what the valency was and an innumerable number of useless things BUT I can't remember what day or date it is. Hell I can't even remember my poker hand for just a single round of betting. No joke. I've been wearing a watch for as long as I can remember and use it a lot any given day.
  6. So my router seems to be on it's way out. I have no trouble with wifi on phone or iPad at school or elsewhere but keep getting kicked off at home. Sometimes it just won't connect. Other times it says incorrect password to the correct password. Have no need for dual band routers. Would the airport express be able to run a wireless network with a dsl modem? 4 laptops. Couple of phones and 2 iPads. Tried the same current router with an older modem and the problem persists. Or just buy another run of the mill link sys and call it a day?
  7. Day date makes me lean towards the latter. Overall dial looks cleaner too. Nice watches.
  8. happy birthday sir
  9. happy birthday dawg
  10. i never fuck around with steam. i figured it would work if i just copied someone elses link and put my username at the end.
  11. its been a pleasure knowing you all. gene, just promise me it will be painless. mike, thanks a lot for throwing my under the bus.
  12. http://steamcommunity.com/id/anurag123
  13. Is that some sort of miniature wind tunnel?
  14. NOT sharing a room with dom. please have 2 sets of keys for me mike. i like to keep one hidden for emergencies. kthxbai.
  15. this is better than i have at home. its sad.
  16. tried emailing gunter at steinhart twice now. no response. someone on watchuseek said they were having trouble with their mail servers but the thread isnt even there anymore. anyone have contact with them recently?
  17. I still have my 24" CRT from my CSS days at home. Paid $180 for it a very very long time ago.
  18. happy birthday sir
  19. wow. didnt realize she was 3 already! happy birthday to her
  20. Sorry about the car Vicki. Must be something in the Boca water I'm scared to even get in my car right now. On my way home Some retard ran a red light a good 2 seconds after the light turned red for him. If I didnt slam on the breaks pretty sure I would have been t boned. Don't know wtf is going on.
  21. Thanks for the good luck. I've been walking around with a wtf is going on look for the past 2 days. In recent news the parking douches at my cash strapped school gave me a ticket for having the temporary parking pass hung with the wrong side facing the windshield in my moms car. Wanted to smash the windows in... Don't know who I pissed off.
  22. Forearm is severely inflamed. Doctor injected some anti inflammatory crap directly into forearm to prevent a stress fracture or the tendon ripping. Got into car crash last night. Raining hard. 4 cars ahead of me got into a crash so the lady in front of me slammed on her breaks and I slammed on mine. Too much rain and water on the road made the car hydroplane and I rear ended the other lady. Found out this morning someone charged 984 bucks to my credit card on some porn website. Severe issues with my paperwork with the graduate college and they are now saying they won't let me graduate. Came to my office today to find my thinkpad not working. Some asshole spilt coffee or tea on the keyboard and now it won't even turn on. The fucker doesn't even have the decency to apologize or tell me it was him/her. New A/c at home died last night. Don't know what's wrong. The filling in the middle of two teeth came out last night. Hurts like a mofo. Wonder if more shit can go wrong. I hope they do. I'm just starting to have fun.
  23. dan speaks the truth. all hail dan.
  24. knuckles how do you do it? how do you come up with this stuff or where do you find it? not just daily but multiple times a day you produce lulz that are mind numbingly awesome...
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