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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. meester morph gets a cookie.
  2. Just found out I actually got a 92 on an orgo test that I thought I had bunted. Knew how to do a sizable portion of the test but had to pick between two extremely similar answers which I don't like to do. Didn't have a good feeling coming out of the test but 92 with a class average of 41 (median 43) I am quite pleased with the 92. Yay for gut instinct!
  3. happy birthday sir
  4. How does the cryo treatment affect the sound signature? Is it not as ...warm anymore?
  5. Well at home we have a 3mbit dsl line. So that never gets used for my purposes. The connection would need to be used 24/7 and with no one else being able to use the Internet. Most of the bit movement happens at school. Any way to monitor usage on my laptop itself without bogging the system down?
  6. Wonder how I can monitor my usage...would be fun statistic methinks.
  7. I was in a hurry. Figured I would just type a response than sit there and read everything.
  8. disable mouse acceleration, vsync, reduce video to lowest settings, turn off all background processes but keep a temperature monitor on and log processor and gpu temps. if the issue persists, try overclocking the usb port to match the polling rate of the mouse. you have to hexedit which potentially could mean bad things for your motherboard so be careful of what you edit and keep a copy of the old file just in case. rename it and put it in a different folder so there is no confusion. the usb oc helped a lot when i wanted to use a higher polling rate with a razer copperhead. smoothed out mouse movement. do one thing at a time as in first disable mouse acc. see if that helps. then disable vsync, see if that helps etc. will help troubleshoot better. post specs of new rig and what games you are trying to play. i find gameplay a lot more engaging than pretty graphics so i typically run shit on lower settings if necessary just to have a smoother playing environment.
  9. When do you guys drink all this stuff? Or is it all just stock piled and mixed on occasion in some permutation? Very nice mike. I really like the blue dial.
  10. You got balls Shelly. Big 'uns.
  11. You just fucked me skull and blew my mind. Really. How?
  12. I applied to 24. Got admitted to 8 out of hs. This was a while back but I can't imagine things having gotten better since. Didn't start any companies but I had a fairly decent resume. Got rejected by Chicago, Stanford, caltech, upenn, ucla, Berkeley, Harvard, brown, nyu, Harvey mudd, and many more BUT got into the school I wanted to go to since I was 11 so I didn't really care. A lot of times they get students who are very similar on paper and they turn down others after they pick up one. So it's not that one is not competitive enough, just that there are clones out there and they just turned in their application first. I hope this doesn't look like me trying to scare you but a plea to perhaps reconsider than number. Maybe a few safety schools and throw in a few reach schools as well. Good luck to you daughter. I hope she gets in not into the best school but the one where she wants to attend.
  13. who is the guy in that video?
  14. ooohh ho hoooo i see what you did there...
  15. Ain't nothin' but a g thang babbbbyyyyyy
  16. happy birthday hirsch!
  17. jeff what camera are ^ with? exif viewer doesnt seem to want to tell me. i really like the first one. is there much difference between the nex 5 and the 5n. i dont know what to do with anything past ISO 3200 as things get too weird for me so not sure the super iso would be of use but is the performance at say ISO 3200 for the 5n?
  18. I had to be woken up twice the last time I had to go in for one. "Dude, for the second time, wake up. How are you falling asleep in there...?" Hope everything turns out ok.
  19. carls birthday too! happy birthday sir! hope to see you sometime soon.
  20. Happy birthday Peter!
  21. happy birthday queenie!
  22. Just logged into the site with Iswifter. Works great. Thanks g. I will miss my tp but the iPad does everything now.
  23. I really like it. Is there anything that can open a flash based site on the iPad? I know there are browsers that do it to some extent but dont know if it is any reliable. Basically can do everything on my iPad except hw on this one website. Have to carry my laptop around for just that one reason.
  24. Posting this from ios5. Pretty pimp.
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