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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. Back to amazon it goes. It's a well documented issue with cassette adapters. The decks think that the side is over and tries to auto reverse it which engages the gear inside the adapter that makes the clicking sound. I'll try another one.
  2. it was plugged into the headphone out haj. it would probably be cheaper to just get an fm transmitter than to get a new stereo head unit for the car. any other trouble shooting suggestions or just try my luck with a fm transmitter.
  3. Just tried the adapter. The moment it goes in the deck it makes a constant clicking noise. I tried an old cassette I had and it makes the same noise but only on one side. Tried the adapter in moms car and it makes the same clicking noise but not as loud. I turned off the Dolby feature as instructed. Adapter bad? Deck bad? Send adapter bad? There are tutorials on taking a certain part out of the adapter but there are no screws. The thing is glued shut. Prying it apart will probably break it. Suggestions or thoughts are welcome.
  4. Woohoo gooo reks. Congratulations sir.
  5. Not too early to coax 'em out Steve?
  6. Does Dinny actually like monkeys? Ah who cares. Happy birthday dude.
  7. Cassette adapter it is. Thanks guys.
  8. Al the car does have a cassette player. John I meant I didn't care for whether the connection between the car and the unit was one via bluetooth or if the unit physically attached itself to the phone.
  9. Machine oil? It's good lube
  10. Sorry to hear that al. Hope you feel better.
  11. I have a few long road trips coming up and while I enjoy listening to the radio I don't particularly care for the idea of having to find new channels every few hours. Cd player in the car only takes 1 cd and I don't have an Aux input. I have an iphone 4 and my road trip companion has an ipod touch (not sure which generation) that i would like to use to play music on but hear it through the car speakers. Never really looked much into it but I don't imagine using it much outside of road trips so don't want to spend enormous amounts of money on it. Road trip is on the 24th so would need to have in house by the 23rd preferably. +1 for Amazon prime. Any suggestions for $50 or so? Obviously if a $5 thingy does the job then I would like to save the money for other things. Dont care for the technology use - bluetooth vs fm vs whatever else is out there. Something that charges the phone at the same time would be a cherry on top but not a necessity - I can do without the charger if a plane old transmitter is cheaper. Thanks
  12. Happy birthday cdawg
  13. I was just looking for exactly this. Thanks for the suggestions guys.
  14. Thank you sir
  15. I need to get one of those within a week mike. Where did you get them from if you don't mind sharing.
  16. It's dreary for whoever uses it...
  17. The world does need more proctologists...
  18. I'm afraid to ask for your thoughts on an ebony totem for use as a dildo
  19. I got one of those too quite difficult to put to use but it helped a lot on verbal portions of standardized tests. What/who are you studying?
  20. i entirely agree with you all in that he got to where he is mostly due to experience. i was just trying to pussy foot around admitting that i am deeply scared of failure in real life and well failures in the school world dont really mean much in the grand scheme of things whereas failures in the real world amount to far more.
  21. its not so much that school prepares me to do a job well. perhaps i misspoke. i just dont see how even with a phd in building financial models i could trust myself with coming up with or testing an investment model for 500 bucks of my own money let alone millions of someone elses. the fact that i absolutely hated that crap is a whole different story but i find the sheer amount of knowledge even in a very very narrow field quite overwhelming. i dont have many other examples to give but my fathers. watching him work is an absolute treat. He is pushing past 55 but when he gets a call about something gone wrong in some random oil tanker he knows exactly what part the engineer is talking about, what current substitutes are available, what would be economically feasible to get across the world overnight, how best to approach the repairs and who to contact for said repairs. this came after sailing on oil tankers for 20+ years. he was once challenged by a younger engineer to recite from memory the pathway for the coolant from the bilge pump to the main boiler. he did so. correctly. i have seen him be calm and collected and be able to think while the ship we were on was on a collision course with another. its a long shadow to have to grow up under.
  22. dude that is awesome. i only have 51k/10w resistors though. can i cut them in 10 pieces and use the individual pieces? i cant wait to have very deep and structured basses. i dont want to regret. please respond fastly. ok?
  23. Meanies I just like being in school and learning stuff. There is also that nagging fear that I don't know enough about a certain field to be able to do the job well enough.
  24. Stay safe knuckles And everyone else
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