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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. does anyone else find themselves trying to suppress a very strong urge to slap the commentators on nbc right now? why not just shut the fuck up and let us enjoy the ceremony...
  2. bunch of hbo tv shows on sale on amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000819681&tag=dealswoot-20
  3. Happy birthday sir
  4. Happy birthday sir
  5. Safari 6 tabs suck donkey balls. Huge donkey balls.
  6. so who is going to get this... http://www.tcmag.com/magazine/the_wtf_fitness_item_of_the_year/
  7. granted it is not the best way of making a brisket but given that is all I currently have access to, i was wondering how others get it to be juicy. I have had some really good brisket out of a crock pot in the past however that was at college friends' homes a long long time ago.
  8. A question for all the brisket masters out there. I tried making some for the first time yesterday in a crockpot. Cooked it on high for 30 minutes and then on low for 8 hours. Added salt, pepper, a steak rub, potatoes, onion, worcestershire sauce initially and a little bit of water when I read that water was needed to convert the collagen to gelatin after about 4 hours of cooking. The meat itself was a shade under a pound and about 3/4 of it had an 1/4" layer of fat. Cooked it fat side up. The final product looked excellent and was eaten with just a fork. It wasn't as juicy as I had hoped for it to be. It was also more tender on the end that had no fat above it. The part under the fat caps was dry and not as flavorful. What did I do wrong here? Not cook it for long enough? Not enough fat on top? Added water at the wrong time? Suggestions for how to fix the dry brisket issue? Bbq sauce added at the beginning of the cook?
  9. How does someone get balls that big?
  10. So she narrowed it down to her bosses perfume. 8 am meeting she started sneezing and felt a headache coming on. Left to lunch felt better immediately. Came back and went to bosses office and started sneezing immediately. This morning her boss came by to say hello and she said she started feeling like crap right after. Obviously she doesn't want to lose her job and after reading carls story i dont know if going to hr yet again will be prudent. Suggestions? I'm way too hot headed and love confrontation with figures of authority too much to give advice here.
  11. Thanks guys for the suggestions. I have passed them on to her and waiting for her to tell me what she thinks.
  12. My girlfriend's office was moved to a different part of the floor and ever since the move she has had massive headaches and all the typical symptoms of an allergic reaction. It affected her to the point where she was doing 20% of the work that she normally did in a day and felt better after taking anti histamines (benadryl) and leaving the office. She requested HR to send out an email requesting the employees not wear perfume to work as there were a few that were bathing in it. That didn't seem to stop it. She went to a physician to get her blood tested and for an allergy test (nothing came up on the blood test other than low calcium). No scratch test was done because she had been taking benadryl every day. The issue has popped up again for the past week and she has been feeling absolutely miserable. To the doctors - Is there anything in the way of a kit to test for allergens in the air around her desk area? Perhaps test the cubicle material or the carpet. Failing that, is there anything she can do to keep the allergens away? A fan? Magic incense? I have the image of a humidifier in my mind but something for allergies. The office is an open floor with cubicles so it is hard to isolate the air but it has gotten so bad that even immediate relief would be good for her. To the lawyers - If the doctors find some way to test the air, is it within her legal rights to check the air/carpet/cubicle or is it something that HR needs to answer? She has gone to them time and time again requesting people not wear strong perfume (it is against their office policy). People stop for a few days but then start again. Does she have any further rights or is HR the last resort? To the affected - Any suggestions that might help her would be much appreciated. To those with jobs - Would you bring it up with those that wear perfumes to the office personally now? Since HR's emails doesn't seem to do much past a few days. Thanks guys.
  13. Not that I ever have but yuck.
  14. Marc just think of Matt Damon in Rounders.
  15. Not right now but cooked the most perfect burger earlier in the evening with some peppers and broccoli on the side. Then sat across mom at the table and watched her pray for my soul as I devoured that awesome burger. Despite being a 90/10 mix it was juicier than many 65/35 burgers I've had in the past. The outside was charred just enough to be a wee bit crispy. The inside was warm and pink. The nicest part - if cost me $4.58 at whole foods thanks to their kickass sales this week.
  16. Everyone would have only bitched about new users though Ryan.
  17. sams club people told me that walmart and sams club didn't do film processing anymore.
  18. Wolf, he has a chair cushion with a 24" subwoofer in it for that.
  19. Giggity Giggity dusty.
  20. I have not but it sounds excellent. Will probably pick it up aug 17th.
  21. Bach and now Mahler. Its making it really hard to shop around and not just gve my money to amazon.
  22. Thanks dinny. I looked at mpix however this was discouraging "Film is scanned at 1228x1818, 72 dpi to create 6.39MB JPEG-format files; full resolution 1228x1818 scans are available for purchase as a DVD Archive" trolling through fredmiranda and random film forums, north coast photo services' name has come up a fair bit. http://www.northcoas....Sheet.2010.pdf $6.95 for better resolution (2048x3072 Pixels) scans. Any reason why mpix would better than ncps that I am missing?
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