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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. Thanks everyone. Extremely happy. Told my parents as soon as I found out and the first thing they both said was, "Don't freaking leave this time around!" Tis a good day.
  2. First med school acceptance. Fuckity fuck fuck yeah.
  3. Happy birthday sir
  4. Dinny why not get an MBA and maybe a Thunderbolt Display? Portability when you want it. Big ass shiny screen when you are home. I have a MBA right now and for the weight and convenience I wouldn't trade it for anything. My next upgrade will probably be to a 13" rmba
  5. happy birthday alex
  6. My first ever attempt at ribs. The lowest temp I could get the grill to be was 325 so don't know how well they will turn out but they look pretty decent to me. Jacket potatoes in the back.
  7. I saw that as well however, they mention this - "Before purchase, noise is overlaid on all transmissions longer than 10 minutes. Purchase a license key for just $25." That can get mighty annoying if I were trying to watch a movie/tv show.
  8. You guys are missing out. Try some chocolate chip cookie dough. But untoasted though.
  9. Thanks Shelly. I just found that as well. Trying to make sure it will do what I want before I spend the $25.
  10. optical cable is one i just got from blue jeans cable. no other dac either. i don't understand how the guy suggested i take it to the apple store. there is nothing to hook up the apple tv to. so no way to connect it to their wifi to even test the optical signal. don't know why i didn't think of that earlier. sd video in quicktime is the only media type that has no delay. 128kbps music has the delay so i don't think it is a locking issue.
  11. anyone using an apple tv to feed music wirelessly to their rigs? right now the system is as follows. apple tv -> optical out -> ps audio dac -> headphone amp -> headphone. I didn't want to keep using the usb input as it forces me to be too close to the heater that is my amp. i purchased an apple tv thinking that for speakers it would be vital as i could play my computer stuff via speakers/headphones whenever i wanted to but have run in to a big fucking problem. when streaming audio to the apple tv, it delays audio by at least a second regardless of what i am using - safari (youtube/lectures from school/vimeo etc), iTunes, vlc, quicktime. given the lag, the first second of the song always gets dropped and watching movies/tv shows is pretty impossible. i was trying to watch on the macbook air but have audio come from the headphone amp. any thoughts? i called apple and both times the customer service people told me to sell the dac and buy a tv and use the tv speakers to listen to whatever i want to listen to... will take it into the apple store tomorrow to see if they are more help than these retards.
  12. Happy birthday sir
  13. Who is adamcalifornia?
  14. Vicki please feel free to let me know if I can help with anything - grocery shopping or laundry etc. I really wouldn't mind at all. I am at fau everyday essentially. I'm sorry about the fracture I know you were looking forward to riding this weekend.
  15. congratulations mike. what is it if you don't mind me asking?
  16. more wtf...
  17. Happy birthday sirs.
  18. I think you should stick with something simple and easy like, "you suck."
  19. larry, interview started at 8:45 as people were walking in late...med school interview and being 15 minutes late couldn't possibly be a good mix but oh well, better chances for me. they just did general introductions and laid out the day for all 25 of us. we were divided into 5 groups and then they had a short presentation about the curriculum and how they are different from all other medical schools. they did ~15 minute 2 (faculty members) on 1 interviews. mine lasted close to 30 minutes - don't know if thats a good thing or a bad one but everyone outside was wondering wtf happened. i was asked why and how i changed from math to medicine and how my experiences had shaped the decision. i had mentioned that i was born and raised in india so they asked me to compare and contrast the health care systems of the two countries. they asked me to tell them in a lot of detail what my average weekly schedule was like and what my opinions were on the current health care system. given the opportunity what I would fix about it and last, they asked me to explain the absurdly low biology mcat section score. they took students around to tour the facilities by groups as each group then went in for a group interview. we were asked to sit around a table and were given several questions where we were to come up with answers. mostly ethical stuff like 3 people you love on a sinking boat. you can save 2 so who do you save. do you treat a neighbors kid even if the parent cant afford to pay you? what happens if he makes it a habit of it. how do you handle that? what would you do if you see your mentor make a mistake during surgery - do you report him and potentially lose a residency spot or do you keep quiet? the group aspect went on for a lot longer. we went for lunch with the dean and then came home. were told before leaving that we would have a decision on the 21st.
  20. i dont even know... another wtf japan. i think. http://www.eblogx.com/Videos/23166/Dance-like-a-Butterfly/
  21. Done. It was freaking crazy. Will find out if I got in or not by the 21st. Fingers and toes crossed.
  22. And I'm off. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
  23. First med school interview tomorrow. WHY CAN'T I FALL ASLEEP??? Hopefully the lucky streak will continue until 4pm tomorrow. John/Larry/other docs, did you med school interviews last all day long? 8am - 4:30pm?
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