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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. Do you have any experience with their wide sizes? I wear a 4E and have had trouble finding decent dress shoes. After having the current pair resoled 3 times, I think it is time for a new pair. the widest the link you shared has 3E. Wonder if they run wider than usual.
  2. Tilapia in basil and tomato sauce with cumin, chipotle peppers, garlic and cinnamon sugar in the meat Jacuzzi @140F for 15 min and then seared quickly on the cast iron pan. Made some rice pilaf and sauteed some onions, mushrooms and lettuce in marsala. Surprisingly good.
  3. Christened Julie's new sous vide with ancho chilli and tomato ground beef and chipotle pepper and tandoori/teriyaki marinated cubed chicken breast. Made corn tortillas at home as well. Tacos were all gone before I had a chance to take a picture or even have one. Either I misappropriated the meat allocation for the 7 people I was cooking for or they really liked it and wolfed it all down while I was making the tortillas for everyone. I hope it was the latter a great time was had by all. Now 4 chicken breasts (for a dried cranberry/walnut/grape/poppy seed/celery chicken salad), 2 chicken breasts (in a tandoori marinade) and a 3 lb brisket are taken a dip. Making brisket for the first time with beer (dogfish pale ale, suggestions for beer for future briskets welcome). Hope it doesn't taste too strong.
  4. I don't see any screens
  5. Refs can fucking suck it. I don't know how many times the thunder have been saved by refs in the last few seconds. Of course the nba is going to release a statement saying the refs missed the call on the travel. Too little too late.
  6. https://www.strava.com/activities/577427136 Need to find some place with no traffic lights. They really were starting to get on my nerves half way through. Just when I would get into a comfortable position or any type of rhythm I'd end up at a red light. Was pretty hot outside this afternoon. Rode with the osprey and geigerrig hydration bladder and my upper back is kinda sore so ordered some water bottles to be attached to the frame. Also ordered a rack to attach to my car so I can go to some place without as many traffic lights. @tyrion do you know any spots around davie?
  7. They seemed to move it just fine in the regular season neither guy had absurd games to win 67.
  8. No clue what happened with the spurs last night but it was very sad to see them go out in that fashion. Last 2 games they just couldn't get any offense going. Cutting down a 26 point lead in the 4th to 9 was fantastic to watch. OKC just got some crazy blocks in the last few minutes. Kudos to them but my dreams of watching spurs and the warriors die yet again this year. Only team left that I care about now is the warriors who should handily take care of business now that Steph is back.
  9. Chicken with a homemade spice rub. Mustard seed sauce made with a mojo marinade. Julie liked it quite a bit. 150F for an hour and a half. Was frozen when I put it in.
  10. Raised the seat about 3/4" and angled the nose down. Led to a far more comfortable ride. Still have too much pressure on my hands. Did 6 miles today in about an hour. Helmet came in along with bike shorts and holy crap do they make a huge difference in terms of comfort. Of course the pressure points are still there but not nearly as noticeable. Don't have any post ride fatigue. Too the bike out on streets behind my school on a 6 mile loop. Felt a lot more comfortable on the road today in terms of the bike going straight and well, just having a helmet on my head went a ways towards making me feel slightly safer. 2 problems I noted on the ride today - too much weight on my hands. My feet are too wide (I wear a 10.5 4E shoe). I feel like the pedal is not wide enough and I keep finding myself moving my foot in to the point where the back of my shoe is hitting the lower forks on either side. How does one find the balance between gears? I find myself pedaling and then coasting and then pedaling again followed by coasting due to my legs tiring (I guess this is a conditioning issue). If I use an easier (is that higher or lower?) gear (one that requires less effort), I feel like my legs go too fast and then I go out of breath eventually.
  11. I don't know how you do it so consistently. I bow to you in respect.
  12. Just went out and rode for ~30 minutes. Less wobbly than yesterday. Still really wobbly if I hold the handle bar with just one hand. Still have too much pressure on my hands. Bike seat feels like it is too far forward. I'm starting to feel like a bike fitting at a LBS might be worth it. Will try tweaking it myself but I think it will end up with me going to the store anyways. Also couldn't find myself being able to bend my elbows as it required me to bend down too far and then my thighs kept hitting my belly. After 30 minutes today and 15 minutes yesterday, my butt and adductors are sore as hell. 2 canari velo gel shorts ordered from nashbar.com. They had a 20% off coupon for today.
  13. Got on the bike for a few minutes earlier. Felt really really wobbly. Don't remember ever feeling that unsafe. Especially at low speeds. I guess it is expected after not having ridden a bike for so long. Hopefully it improves over the next few days - going to keep going around the apartment complex and avoid roads until I can control the bike at all speeds. Will look into it Marshall. Going to make tweaks slowly one at a time so I know which variable does what. Brent, online the grey looked a lot flatter. In person it is slightly glossier but I like it. Whats the difference between a $30 pair of shorts and $60 pair of shorts? Why on earth are these things so damn expensive?
  14. Bike is put together. Took me a couple of hours to do it properly (getting the front wheel centered, getting tight tolerance around the disc brakes etc). Have not really played with any fitting measurements - tomorrow perhaps. Not sure how I can fine tune the gears without a bike stand but I'll see if I can do it with the bike upside down. It's a lot lighter than all the bikes I've had in the past. I'm sure all the fancier ones everyone else has are even lighter. It looks like in person. I'm happy.
  15. By quite a margin. I remain skeptical but I'll be happy once I see movement in tracking.
  16. Called today to cancel the whole order with diamondback and they said they are going to ship the correct bike today and I should have it on Thursday. The guy placed me on hold and arranged for tracking numbers. I'll believe it when I see a 40 lb box showing movement with the freight company.
  17. Turns out the water heater was running 24/7 due to the leaking faucet in my bathtub that the landlord refund to get fixed for almost 2 months since the leak wasn't bad enough. Projected electricity bill is back down to the ~$80s for this month.
  18. They shipped the wrong (cheaper) bike. Not exactly thrilled. They want me to ship back the wrong bike first and then they will ship out the correct one. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK? How does that make sense? I won't get the bike I ordered for 5 weeks now.
  19. It's like you don't know me at all. I just took my second to last (last real final) of the year so the instant gratification monkey is waking up from its slumber. Also, Amazon's quick shipping has ruined me. Ps. It's a week for them to ship it. Then another 2-3 weeks in transit. Coming from China I guess.
  20. Bike is expected to be shipped in a week. Lame. As far as shorts go, there is a dicks around the corner that has a pretty wide variety. Will try on stuff there. I get 10% off there with my credit card but shall see if I can get a better deal elsewhere. Quite sure that M wouldn't fit one of my arms
  21. Done. Thanks to Brent and everyone else who helped. Hopefully a picture of the actual bike next week sometime.
  22. I can't help but laugh and also cringe at that since you didnt know my previous roommates name was Bill.
  23. The talon only weighs 1lb 8oz. With the reservoir it doesn't even hit 2lbs so it's not so bad. That being said, I've only hiked with the bag, never ridden a bike with it before so will give it a try. If it seems too cumbersome, I'll investigate these water bottles. I'm not sure the bike comes with the necessary tools but perhaps I misread the assembly instructions. The instructions made it seem like there were too many spots where a trained eye/hand was needed to get things right in terms of things being aligned a certain way. The last thing I'd want to do is damage it due to user error during the build process. If it were a lot more money, I'd probably have just done it myself. For around $50, I'd rather someone else do it and be responsible for errors. That being said, I do think it would be a lot more fun to do it myself. Hmm.
  24. How are your electricity bills with the sous vide? Mine have doubled, literally. I was paying ~$80/month on average and last month I used it on two weekend long cooks and the bill came out to $157.
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