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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. Attached a photo so people see what my problem is. It's a very tight fit from the sides as the driver is flush with the front panel.
  2. 1. Tilting was tried. It didn't work. Gave the back of the cabinets some good whacks with a hammer. Nothing. The panels were Cnc cut there there is little to no room.
  3. While putting together the speakers I ran into some issues. Help would be much appreciated. 1. I placed the driver in one of the cabinets but the holes aren't lined up parallel to the sides and the top - the screw holes aren't squared like they are supposed to be. The driver is in the recessed slot where it is supposed to be and I can't get it out of there to adjust the position of the driver. Any thoughts? I am going in blind if I try to poke it out from the back hole but I am scared I will damage the driver if I try to poke it out. There is a piece of wood that blocks view of the front hole from the back hole. 2. The other driver was centered correctly with 3 screws holding it down but the 4th one's top stripped half way down into the wood. I can't screw it in further (nor do I want to in case I need to change the driver). Can't pull it out either. The gentleman at Home Depot said that the screws aren't readily available so I am not sure where to find replacements from however I am considering using plain old phillips head oval wood screws even though they won't look as nice as the supplied screws. Supplied screws are hex nut wood screws. I've tried the rubber band technique. Didn't help.
  4. Forgot to mention it also has my initials engraved on the back of the bell! And it's all black - just the color scheme I wanted.
  5. I couldn't find anywhere specific to brag about my awesome girlfriend who played Santa this year. I received a big kiss and a littman stethoscope. It was the best present ever and extremely thoughtful. I feel guilty accepting it as i know it cost her a small fortune and I'm not sure I'm worthy of such a nice instrument. Anyhow, I've been playing with it all evening and it is so much fun. What did Santa bring you this year (if you already know)?
  6. Propf of heaven - I gave it 45 pages and can't go on. It sounds supremely contrived and the description is one that someone would probably give of what they saw on an acid trip. The guy thinks he is god (neurosurgeons are known to have the god complex but this is different) but such certitude in things that might not be true or certainly haven't been proven to be true is reminiscent of religious zealotry or cultist behavior. The stark absence of humility makes this utterly unreadable for me. He keeps reiterating that it is the most important thing to him now - telling others about his NDE but then after every descriptive paragraph all he says is - oh you can't possibly imagine this because you suck or think about the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, now multiply that by a million and that's what I saw but that sucks for you because you can't imagine it because you didn't go on this acid trip with me and because you are a simple peasant. I read a quarter of it which I think is a fair try. I implore others to give it a try and see of they can get through it.
  7. you guys know of any m mount film bodies that aren't expensive and don't use those obsolete mercury batteries? i am thinking of taking a photography course in my downtime next semester and already have a nice m mount lens. the class requires use of a film body exclusively with a 50mm lens (which i have) with BW film probably because of its ease of development. suggestions?
  8. Now that was a nice movie. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Augsburger" data-cid="552794" data-time="1355987621"><p> Hmmmm eye and virus, isn't that how this started?<br /> <br /> <a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ewpYq9rgg3w'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ewpYq9rgg3w</a></p></blockquote>
  9. Hey...at least I'll be famous! Didn't really like Contagion. Expected more out of that movie.
  10. Well the doctor never did a swab so don't know if it is bacterial or viral. If the cause is viral, the drops won't really do anything but the steroids should help the inflammation go down.
  11. Got diagnosed with conjunctivitis. Never had it before. Don't know how I got it. The stupid eye drops burn like hell. Came home and had to fight my mom about giving others conjunctivitis merely by looking at them...
  12. thanks saved me some money. really wish i had purchased the etys on sale at thanksgiving.
  13. Are those any good? Looking for a present.
  14. There you go again being reasonable and shit Peter.
  15. Do you really need 16gb ram dinny?
  16. Will do. It's the first on my list of many "doctor" books to read prior to med school. I will be reading it the same way I watched religulous - probably laughing or shaking my head the entire time. I don't understand how a neurosurgeon of all people would abandon a reductionist view of the human brain and resort to heaven. Then again, dr Francis Collins, the director of the human genome project is a staunch believer. Never could wrap my brain around that one.
  17. Take a steaming dump at his doorstep. Or what Steve said.
  18. Netflix or any flash based things fry the air very fast as well. Temps stay in the mid 90s whenever I'm watching stuff.
  19. I would as well shelly. I figured I would suggest it...just in case.
  20. I'll butt my head in. If that is all she is doing, wouldn't an iPad fit the bill/be cheaper/be more portable/have longer battery power?
  21. forgive my ignorance but isnt the volume pot facing the wrong way? or are you planning on using one of those extension things all the way to the front panel?
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