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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. Second first day of med school. After spending 3 days in the hospital this seems ironic. But exciting.
  2. Don't know why but I can't stop laughing at this - http://xkcd.com/1246/
  3. Moved into my new apartment for med school. Went out to dinner with the roommate and his dad. Exhausted and laying in bed but excited to get this thing started. Wish me luck. I fear that I will need oodles of it.
  4. Western electric 421a. So tasty
  5. http://www.vacuumtubes.net/RES%20Audio%20pages/5998.html I've ordered from them in the past. Pretty good guys.
  6. Called b and h photo to buy 2 MacBook airs and see if they would match the price of the apple care I got a year ago. The guy said that b and h photo is not allowed to sell apple care to anyone in Florida. Wtf is this bullshit?
  7. This view presented itself as I walked out of my evening class tonight. I luckily grabbed a couple of quick shots because it was gone by the time I went to the balcony on the 4th floor. Nothing technically or compositionally amazing about it. Just thought it was a beautiful sky. The original - A couple of edits -
  8. L2 or dsha for hd650/hd800? No interest in ever getting grados. Would like to know before Doug is sent a pm. You lot are freaking enablers. Please don't say both.
  9. I loved it.
  10. Picked up Julie's mom from the airport today around 4am. Drive up to wake up the girls around 6am and breakfast in bed was demanded. They asked nicely so I complied. We watched random tv in bed while everyone woke up. Helped Julie with some math and then cleaned the house. Made some chicken for lunch and then fired off some emails and read for a bit while everyone took a nap. Went for a short walk with Julie as the sun was going down. Came back and made tacos for dinner. Everyone loved them. Then some chemistry review with Julie. Got the 9 year old to say tetraphosphorustrisulphidedecahydrate and then she wouldn't stop saying it until we agreed to play a board game with her. She brought down something to do with Disney movies which I lost miserably at. Grandma kicked everyone's ass. It was time to wind down so I finally got 5 minutes alone with Julie which we spent on the couch in silence next to each other. As I was driving home I felt a sense of peace and calm I haven't felt in many years. I felt happy. Not the ephemeral fleeting burst but a slow continuous wave that keeps washing over you for a very long time. It was one of the best days I have had for as long as I can remember. I am tired but I don't want to fall asleep. Happy enough to where I don't even mind posting this goofy picture Julie took just before the Patino Girls kicked my ass. I hope everyone had a lovely day.
  11. Thanks guys. Celebrated the day at the south rim and head to a rather nice hotel back in Vegas. Just relaxed then and unwound.
  12. Back after spending 8 days in the mother freaking Grand Canyon with Julie. It was awesome. Just fucking awesome. I had to really fight back some tears earlier today.
  13. Packed mah bag. Heading to the grand canyon tomorrow for 10 days. Not sure I will be able to fall asleep tonight - waaaaaaay excited
  14. Come down to south Florida. That shit is rampant. If you are at the gym and are wearing shorts with no pockets I can understand but when they are wearing cargo pants... Must. Not. Gnash. Teeth.
  15. Taken from the description for Nikon 35. "Rokinon has also added a focusing scale to this lens which will help the user focus more accurately. The lens is available in the following mounts: Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax & Olympus 4/3. This version also features a built-in focus confirm chip for auto aperture and auto exposure."
  16. Dinny, the rokinon 35 is absurdly sharp.
  17. And then you wonder why they just give you free replacements when you walk in the door at the apple store.
  18. Jeff, I haven't seen you since the plantation meet a few years ago but cycling certainly agrees with you. You look great. No fever finally. Woohoo! Picked up my sister from the airport and drove home. Spent the last 4 hours talking about my issues (slowly hers as well) about cultural differences between us and mom (and dad but he wasn't there). I had spoken with both of them about Julie separately. My sister went out to lunch once with Julie and I and instantly fell in love with her. My mom has never met her. We have been going out for almost 2 years. Tonight was the first time both mom and sister were there and I brought up Julie again. On may 5th, Julie got my mom an orchid for her birthday as my mom loves flowers and gardening. She ignored my warnings that the kind gesture from her would not be received well from my mom and she said as long as she doesn't kill the plant out of malice she didn't care what my mom did with it. Later that night I gave her the flowers and she smiled ear to ear and awkwardly acknowledged that Julie had sent them. Three days later I told her that it didn't need to be anything crazy but just a little thank you note would have been nice and appropriate. Two days later, she walked into my room as I was leaving to see Julie and she says while handing me a note, "make sure you understand that there are no misconceptions here." I asked her what she meant and after she fumbled for words I got angry and told her to keep the note. A thank should not come with strings attached. The flowers certainly did not. That ended then. Tonight I brought it up again as I wanted my sister to offer her opinion on it and she essentially forced my mom to finally speak her mind. She said,"I didn't want her (she refuses to say Julie's name) to think that I found the relationship acceptable or that I was ok with marriage in the future." My sister asked her if she thought that my happiness was more important than her culture or belief system. My mom says no and then walks away. I find myself slowly approaching a crossroads where I will be forced to choose between my parents and Julie and I'm not sure that is going to be a difficult decision to make. Sure, I would like to have their blessing but if they can't look past their prejudices for an instant to see the wonderful person she is then I'm not sure I see the value in sticking around. They have made me who I am and I owe them everything including my ability to accept people as they are without judging them however they seem have lost that ability themselves. My dad still does not know about Julie. I was going to introduce everyone at the white coat ceremony for med school but my mom just told me she wasn't going to attend if Julie was invited. I'm losing my patience with her. Not sure there is much my sister can do to mend things between us. Anyone have thoughts on how to approach something like this. I know to most of you the concept will seem foreign as having a girlfriend or a boyfriend is entirely normal but unfortunately, in the land of arranged marriages, having a gf or bf is taboo. Which is utter nonsense but there are cultural shackles that prevent rebellion. My sister is surprised that someone as meek as I would have ever gotten this far for anyone let alone a girl who wasn't Indian.
  19. Gone to the doctor twice and once to the ER day before when it spiked real high. Was given iv fluids and prescription strength Motrin. Blood tests were "normal" for someone in my condition. I feel like it drops after I take the medication but then a few hours later it ramps back up again. Just took a cold shower. Back in bed. PS. Confirmed sighting of itchy red shit on my left elbow and right shin. Attenuated viruses my ass.
  20. Day 4 in bed @ 103F. This shit officially sucks.
  21. I think it might be with the number of apple products you own Jeff. . Maybe they want good stories like yours coming out of their flagship store.
  22. I was told that when I purchased an iPhone 5 last year. However the 150 only fixes the screen. To pay another 100 to account for any other failures seems worth it but again, what happens if nothing else breaks. Seems like a better idea to not get apple care anymore.
  23. Apple care cover accidental damage in the instance that you pay $100 upfront. And then if it breaks they give you a new iphone for $150. Can be done twice only.
  24. I don't think I ever hated anything more than finding the variance of some bullshit distribution my professor would come up with for our finals - he would give us the answers to taunt us and we had to sit there for 2.5 hours and figure out how to get there but man it felt good after people figured it out. And Dusty, the varicella vaccine isn't dead virus, merely attenuated. So the usual symptoms of chicken pox are expected. Just not on the same level of severity. I don't have any itchy red spots but high fever unfortunately.
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