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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. Really like the third one Ari.
  2. Decided to take the day off from school entirely and spent a lazy morning in bed listening to music. Julie and the girls came over in the afternoon and we took some pictures. Then headed to Le Tub - the girls wanted to see where we went for our first date. It was a great day. The gastric ulcer is making me pay for that burger but it was a wonderful time. All taken with the X-T1 and the 56mm/1.2 lens.
  3. What's the catch here? I could just buy an old dslr on craigslist for peanuts and go stand in line?
  4. The thing on the side looks like a massive sleep button on the top of iPhones. Be careful with all these lawsuits going around. http://www.whatmobile.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Apple-iPhone-5-lock-button.jpg
  5. I had an Sb910 on top the of the d800 as well. The weight starts adding up. The extra 160 gm from the lens. The extra 700-800 gm from the flash and batteries.
  6. Rented a Tamron 24-70 Nikon mount for some class end of year pictures. It was so freaking heavy. I don't understand how these pros shoot with a d800, flash and some zoom. It would kill my back. Got a crazy sunrise this morning - http://500px.com/photo/71436209/sunrise-in-florida-by-anurag-katyal?from=user_library
  7. Found out that it had been taking way too much ibuprofen to manage the knee injury in San Diego last October to the point where I now have stomach ulcers that hurt like mofos. Went to get blood drawn twice. First time, the nurse tried 3 times and couldn't get it. They asked me to come back later. The new nurse tried again and failed but the doctor was able to get it. On the way out the doctor noticed a spot on my shoulder where the whole tetanus incident had happened. Pulled up my sleeve and found it draining. Got sent up to dermatology for a biopsy. Was scratching my lower legs incessantly. They have been itching for 3 years without a diagnosis other than neuro dermatitis which is a diagnosis of exclusion anyways. The attending noticed it and started running around. Said it would be best to do a biopsy of the leg as well as the symptoms were indicative of something bad. 'Twas a rough day.
  8. Peter, check out Zeno's Paradox.
  9. Thank you gents and Brent. Julie got a full ride for another year and finished the semester with straight A's. Both her daughters got straight A's as well and got into a special medical program for middle school. Yacht formal tonight to celebrate where I shall have an opportunity to wear my nautical themed pashmina afghan while singing I'm on a boat. Another print on 500px got sold. It is a good day indeed.
  10. Just finished the last final for the first year of medical school. Hooray.
  11. 40% off coupon enticed me. I thought maybe their printing side would be better than their gear side.
  12. I'm fucking done with Adorama. Ordered 3 20x30 prints on 4/1 and all three arrived with the right edges chopped off. Called them and they reprinted the images but still charged me for shipping again. Prints arrive today and 2 of them are even more chopped off than before. Called them to complain and the lady just said, we can give you credit yet again but you still have to pay for the prints to be shipped. I asked for a refund and she said it was against company policy. That only print credit could be given for misprints. Is this legal? They keep making mistakes and I have to pay for shipping every time? Done with Adorama. Bay Photo is slightly more expensive but I have never had a problem with them. The prints are at least (allegedly) reviewed before being sent out. Shipping is just a $1.50 instead of the $7 at Adoramapix.
  13. I ask nicely Never tried playing around with that but like Jacob, I doubt it would work for me either. Will try though. Peripheral vision is amazing isn't it?
  14. Time always needs to be found. It's a great stress buster as I need to step away from the books every few days otherwise I would go insane - we have already had 6 people drop out . One of my mentors in the anatomy department is an amazing photographer. He suggested for my own sanity and perhaps to have something different in my residency application to keep up with photography. When tests are around the corner, I put the camera away but in between I try to go out and shoot at least twice a week. I was at a random lunch (can't remember why I was there other than they said free food) and one of the doctors mentioned needing someone to take new pictures for their research group website. I volunteered and after talking to a few people there was asked to join them for the summer and next year to work on a cure for paralysis. Will be doing number crunching for them in the summer and hopefully more clinical stuff next year.
  15. Damnit there goes the resale value of my MBA.
  16. Whatever happened to Smeggy? Haven't seen him around here in forever.
  17. Cooked a 2.5" filet using a meat thermometer. Was in the oven at 200F for 40 minutes I think. I pulled it out when the internal temp was 120F then seared. The crust is not as crispy as it has been in the past but the center is completely evenly cooked. Wolfed down with fingerling potatoes and mushrooms.
  18. When shooting the moon I've had reasonable decent luck with shooting at f/16 or higher in manual mode with 1/800th sec or faster shutter speed without even a tripod. The shutter speed doesn't allow for camera shake to be a factor. However, I've only ever tried this with a 135mm lens at the longest as it is the longest I ever had. But it consistently worked well with 35mm and 50mm lenses. I don't know if it will extend to 300mm as well.
  19. But oh so satisfying.
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