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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. Whoaaaaaaaaa... Care to share the recipe, Al? That looks like it could be my next dinner.
  2. Thank you gents. Preparing a repeat of the above for Julie tonight.
  3. rare filet seasoned with bacon and molasses with chicken roasted rice and mesquite seasoned sweet potatoes.
  4. I used to have one of those Carl. Worked well for an mp3 player.
  5. I was joking too
  6. I think you should go to a urologist Wayne. The density of your nether regions is approaching that of your femur.
  7. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, Larry. The child life specialists were the ones who were most helpful in trying to get us approval from the hospital admin. Could not have done anything without them. Carl, do you have any contact info for Ben? I tried calling sub sentinel and asking for him but was told he did not work there on separate phone calls. Told them that he wrote the south Florida blog but got the same answer again.
  8. Our interview with 97.3FM
  9. A plug for hackintoshes. No crashes or any need to putz around with anything since I installed Yosemite (2 days after it was released). Everything has been working perfectly after initial configuration
  10. Nothing but praise for Amazon from me. Free delivery on Sunday now... 10645283_10152867536843829_5226072363740018243_n.jpg
  11. Thanks for the kind words Carl. And the reference. I have a big exam on Monday. I'll try to find his contact information after that.
  12. Thanks Jon. There will likely be 2 different releases everyone will have to sign - one from the university and one from the hospital to try to make sure all parties involved are covered. The hospital staff are universally extremely excited so I think we mostly have to worry about people who are visiting or family of the admitted. This is why digital cameras are a must so that if there are pictures of anyone who didn't sign a release, the staff can delete the images on the spot or at the end of the day when we will have the Herculean task of making sure everyone in the images signed a release.
  13. It is with great pleasure I bring you one of my most ambitious projects, Photography in Medicine. The idea was born of some random discussions my advisor and I had over the summer and after incessantly annoying, emailing and calling a lot of people, it has finally come to fruition. You can read more about it at www.photographyinmedicine.org. Chris Evert Children’s Hospital has graciously allowed full access to their general pediatric, pediatric oncology and pediatric ICU wards where we will give the admitted children cameras and go around with them taking pictures of whatever they find interesting. The hospital plans on displaying the images in their main lobby in March and my university will have a community showing of the images as well. We hope to see how the world looks from their perspective as it is something that unfortunately often gets missed. For anyone even remotely familiar with HIPAA laws, I hope the near impossibility of getting this kind of access is apparent. The hospital really went to bat on my behalf and I am extremely thankful for it. I have been working with local organizations to get the word out about this rather ambitious project and our first promotional spot will be on The HITS 97.3 DJ Laz Morning Show this Sunday, Nov 9th, between 6 and 7am so please listen in if you can! For any non Florida members, you can stream it at Listen Live. We have a ways to go towards providing all the children with cameras so we are looking for donations and help with spreading the word about this endeavor. Even if you can’t donate, we would love for you to share the project website, www.photographyinmedicine.org, on your social media pages so that we might be able to gain exposure, donations and perhaps even get more families who wish to participate. I want the whole project to be entirely free for the families so there are a lot of things we need help with. Please take a look at the website and feel free to share it with your friends and family. Any donations are greatly appreciated and welcome. Cheers.
  14. Returned iPhone to Best Buy. Got another one from Apple. New new phone charges in 3 hours. Great success. My hometown is very close to the Nepalese border. My mom and sister were just there and were surprised at the saturation of iPhones in the area - in the most remote parts. While it is an object of desire, I don't think it is any more coveted than anywhere I have been in the US. That being said, if your phone is lost, at least there are things you can do to try to recover it. The police may or may not take your case seriously. In India/Nepal, especially for a foreign national, the chances are slim to none. From what my family members have mentioned, the speeds available there making using the iPhone an exercise in frustration. Sure you can use it but 3G/4G/LTE speeds are not available or the bandwidth is very low. Depending on where she goes to in Nepal or Jordan, she might barely have cell tower reception, let along service for the internet over a mobile device. However, since they made a case for not bringing an iPhone but an android device being fine, it seems she won't stray too far from densely populated areas. The whole practice of putting ones phone in the back pocket is asking for trouble regardless of which phone it is. My cousins use theirs freely but they are also slightly more aware of the dangers of losing their phone/it getting stolen (no more cell phone). It is still a luxury item in that part of the world and the Apple brand name means a lot more than perhaps Samsung (or any other Android phone) does, thereby carrying a lesser resale value on the black market. Pick pockets won't risk getting caught lifting a phone they can't profit as much from. What exactly is she planning on using her phone for? Just making calls? Internet access? Facebook? It might be less expensive overall to just get a local phone and add money to it as and when she needs it. Might be slightly more cumbersome but she has her iPhone in case of an emergency and the other dumb phone locally sourced for local calls. I am heading back there this summer on a medical mission trip and will be in some rural parts of Nepal and India for a few weeks assuming everything goes well with my research advisor. Don't plan on taking my iPhone with me. Will just get a phone there - waaaaay cheaper than paying for international access from the US. I can't speak to how things are in Jordan/Chile but if she needs to be more careful of her belongings whilst in public transit in Nepal than out and about. Theft can occur anywhere but with foreigners, trains/buses/rickshaws seem to be a lot more common because they are really an assault on the senses. So while she might think her phone is safe in her bag and was never in anyone's view, the bag itself could get swiped. On trains in the region, they have iron chains that you can lock your luggage to as it is unfortunately a common occurrence. I hope this doesn't reduce your or her enthusiasm for the upcoming trip but I do think her being aware of all the shitty things that could happen would keep her a tad more aware of her surroundings and hopefully keep the trip free of any mishaps. PS. Tight jeans are usually a bad idea - the silhouette of the phone is visible even if the phone is entirely out of view. Makes for an easy target.
  15. 1 year standard Apple warranty.
  16. Just left the apple store. They ran some tests and determined the battery is faulty. Offered to replace it for free with a refurbished phone. Had I purchased Applecare they would have replaced it with a new phone. I don't see how Applecare matters if the phone is less than a year (less than a week actually) old. Going to return it to Best Buy and then wait for somewhere to have the phone in stock again.
  17. Lol no more casino access. I guess I finally got to Dan. Hope you enjoyed playing with your little admin powers big man. Really hope you feel better and are happy now. /not sarcastic at all. Brent, going to give the phone another couple of charge cycles. If after a few days it is still acting the same I'll ask for a replacement. 3 hours I can deal with but the whole night is too much regardless of the charger being used.
  18. Straight from the wall with the supplied charger and cable.
  19. Thanks everyone. Don't have an iPad anymore. Left the phone charging overnight and it is still only at 94%. So likely a bad battery. Hopefully the stores will have a replacement.
  20. The results on google vary largely between 30 minutes and 3 hours, the former being obviously wrong. That gives me n=1. I asked what kind of charge times people on here were getting but so far I haven't received a response to that question in particular. i looked on Google and didn't get a number that was repeated on enough/any websites to be considered trustworthy. At least, the numbers posted by members here would carry more weight with me. That being said, you can quit being a cunt yourself.
  21. Thanks for providing information I already mentioned in my post. As usual, an entirely useless post, Dan. Thank you for your input.
  22. Those with 6 pluses - how long does it take for your phone to be charged from <10% to 100%? I've been charging mine for 2 hours and its gone from 3% to 43%. On the apple website, there is no mention of how long it should take for a full charge. All the articles online seem to keep mentioning using an iPad charger to charge the phone faster but that isn't an answer.
  23. Used a Swype keyboard for the first time. Purchased Swype keyboard immediately. This thing is awesome.
  24. The fan on the hyper 212 is really starting to piss me off.
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