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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. Battery life on my MBA seems improved with El Capitan (a welcome surprise).
  2. I owe you a tasty treat.
  3. Is there any way to click on the thread title and have it go to the last read post automatically like you could in the past? Every time I click on the thread name it takes me to the first post of the thread.
  4. It is one of the most wonderful places I have ever been to. Julie and I hope we can get back there some day. It's a small island but even in the 10 days we spent there, we barely scratched the surface.
  5. On the way to the Cliffs of Moher.
  6. Slow cooked pork loin with mushroom in a citrus adobo sauce. Not pretty but very tasty.
  7. It's alive!
  8. Hmmm had a post typed and it didn't go through for some reason... Anyhow, the amp was in gestation for some 9 months. Last December I bounced some ideas off of Doug for an amp for the JH16s but kinda fizzled out over time. This past summer I got a new roommate who studies at home as well so I couldn't use the speakers anymore to watch lectures or listen any music. Approached Doug again to design/build something that I couldn't head the noise floor of which had been the issue with all the amps I had tried in the past. Happy to report that I don't hear anything that I am not supposed to with this amp. Doug calls it the DB3 - Diamond Buffer V3 and man does it buffer the shit out of whatever it is buffering. I gave full creative control of the amp to Doug and was very pleasantly surprised to open up the box. I had not seen any pictures of the amp prior. Was going to wait for finals to be over to plug it in but he mentioned something about a blue led so had to try. JH16s have never sounded better. Hooray for Doug
  9. Can't eat it but picked up a little something from Meester Doug from the mail room a few minutes ago.
  10. My dad has a pair of Betsy's. He quite likes them. Not nearly as big as the Hawthorne but he is also not playing in a huge room. They play far better than a $100 pair of drivers. http://www.wildburroaudio.com
  11. once my contract with att is over for this 6 plus I'm going back to a flip phone. The happiest and least anxious I have been in recent memory were times when I either didn't have my phone for weeks at a time. Disconnecting from the internet and the little burst of dopamine from the constant notifications has made for some very unhealthy habits.
  12. Pan seared salmon with sauteed asparagus with a cherry/honey/jalapeno sauce.
  13. No animals or humans were harmed in the creation of those images.
  14. Bare Alien Bee B800 camera right in front of her. Bare Nikon SB910 camera left directly next to her. Here's another one.
  15. I quite like that macro shot, Jon. Anavic I quite like that macro shot, Jon. Anavic
  16. Watched the first season of Narcos on Netflix. Made me feel sorry for Pablo Escobar during parts of it. Quite enjoyable despite being mostly in Spanish (understandably). Wagner Moura was fantastic. Not House of Cards good but about Marco Polo good. The narration could be considerably better but I still enjoyed it despite that. Watched the first season of Narcos on Netflix. Made me feel sorry for Pablo Escobar during parts of it. Quite enjoyable despite being mostly in Spanish (understandably). Wagner Moura was fantastic. Not House of Cards good but about Marco Polo good. The narration could be considerably better but I still enjoyed it despite that.
  17. At the hospital we constantly have to look up stuff. Phones are the only things allowed for students as laptops and ipads can be used to deploy viruses...don't see how phones can't do the same. Everyone is always running around trying to find a charger. Physicians included.
  18. I can barely get through the day without having to charge my 6+ twice. How frequently do you use your phone?
  19. Just showed this to a 3 year old who was having a tough time with her medication. Her eyes just lit up when I showed her Santa's sleigh. She asked her older brother to be brought back to the room and quietly but confidently said, "i told you he was real." Thanks Wayne.
  20. 10% thd?
  21. I did as well last night. Did not realize it was only 6 episodes
  22. That was the very first thing I used to do after installing a fresh copy of Windows! Windows 98 for life.
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