thanks to the warm welcome everyone. just what i needed - another website that will tell me to spend my money on things. the chat room is certainly a very nice feature that i liked instantly.
long time no see voltron. sarasota was a wild ride and i wish i had started drinking because right now i remember all the things that happened in fairly vivid detail. oh the travesties! the shit posting was just done in jest so hopefully you or jpnums didnt take away from it any more than what we intended it to be - childish thread crapping hope to see you again sometime in the near future good sir. im trying to find a way to get my butt to the dc meet but doesnt seem to promising right now.
thanks to everyone again for the red carpet reception. not sure it was required but it is certainly appreciated.
as the title says. just joined headcase after quite a bit of persuasion on team floridas part. wanted to say hello. so...hello gene just broke a glass in his kitchen and mike remarked, "we are repeating canjam again" and that was just the beginning of the night >< here i thought i was going to get some sleep =/