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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. more sp amps down the drain. i wont have any gear to bring. im sure someone will have a pair of 650s there. will bring marks cable if anyone cares to listen to it. hopefully the stitches dont hurt by then.
  2. the power supply page led me to the aikido. sounds like an excellent choice for a headphone amp and a line stage. i have to get to bed now so havent had much time to research. is the moskido a revision of the aikido? is the same pcb as the aikido used with additions or is it something entirely different?
  3. given the progression i think all of us will be dead by next tuesday. rip billy. your well manicured beard was an inspiration to all us bearded folk.
  4. back in india and england we used a lot of appliances with voltage transformers. perhaps the transformers were of poor quality but we always had problems. if the price differential is that small, then my suggestion mirrors grawks as long as it doesnt break the bank. your previous posts indicate your bank will be fine.
  5. rarely do you see people who are happy with what they have the very first time they buy something. not trying to say you wont find happiness with your gear but from the little experience i have and from the reading i have done, there will always be a juicier piece of meat. up until the time where you have all the best meats. and then you just start wanting more. get what you want now. enjoy it. if you are happy with it, excellent. if not, think about upgrading when the time comes.
  6. hf2 + pico dac + gilmore lite = win. not sure where you saw the gilmore lite getting slammed on these boards. seems to be a well loved amp around these parts. and others for that matter.
  7. hf2 + pico dac = $750? doesnt leave a lot of room for the amp. i guess my suggestion would be get the phones and a decent amp now and save up for a nice dac.
  8. happy birdday to you as well sir.
  9. happy birdday sir.
  10. some malignant crap was growing out of it. i asked for a head transplant but for some reason they said no...
  11. top of my head.
  12. thats the top. they did some funky stuff at the base as well but the photos didnt come out as spectacular. 1 <3 percocet. also, the jelly stuff on the top is something called dermabond. they apparently dont use bandages anymore. burns like hell but a heck of a lot more convenient.
  13. well this is grade a doo doo. sorry about the whole thing.
  14. Self Righteous From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Self-righteousness (also called sententiousness) is a feeling of smug moral superiority[1] derived from a sense that one's beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of greater virtue than those of the average person. i dont see how this place is any better than head fi if one's opinions are equated to the person being an asshole. anyhow, good day.
  15. ah well, i was operating under the assumption that what i said was just an opinion - something everyone on this forum seems to have. only difference is mine rubs people the wrong way whereas shit other people say passes for humor. my apologies for offering my 2 cents. im sure the speakers sound excellent. in my personal opinion they look nothing special. insert al saying ouch insert dan bitching some more insert retarded and not entirely funny remarks from other members. (graph nate posted made me lol, one that chris posted was rather lame)
  16. looks wise i like the rangers better.
  17. meh ^
  18. i can bring the susnick audio monitors, will need amp though. where be gene and matt? raffy perhaps? mroyoroyoroyo?
  19. have sent two emails to the twisted pear guys. i know they are moving or something. do i give it more time or keep bugging them until i get a reply. both emails were politely worded.
  20. people drive without seat belts their entire lives without getting into a crash. doesnt make driving without seat belts any safer because 2 people were fine after a long time. perhaps i just had a bad piece. it was a warning nonetheless. the op can ignore it if he wishes to do so. i was just "participating."
  21. warning about that case - it split my left palm open from the wrist to the base of the third finger. very sharp edges. they dont sand them down in the cheaper models.
  22. my suggestion mirrors reks'. go with newegg or shop for the cheapest parts around once you decide what to get. not sure im in a position to offer this but i wouldnt mind putting the rig together. it takes perhaps 2 hours tops. something im sure you could put together with ease. there really isnt anything to it. i had my sister do it when she got to college (had all the parts shipped there directly) and she doesnt know how to use a new tv. if time is an issue, then either you could source someone locally to do it for your or someone on head case. shipping computers is usually the most precarious part given ups' and fedex's propensity to break them so just make sure whoever packs it, does so well. for 500 (depending on what you have already - optical drive could probably be reused unless its useless, hard drive perhaps or the psu) you could get a decent rig. processors are cheap these days.
  23. im getting 7 hours on just the single battery and 13 hours with the extra battery in the cd drive bay. not sure i will be away from a wall socket for that long. even if that were to drop to half that number in a few years, id still be very happy with the unplugged performance. adding a ssd really does help out in the battery life dept. runs fast as hell too. macs are still a premium for me. i paid $884 for the laptop and another $120 for the ssd. thats less than $1100 shipped. going to bitch at lenovo today about the shoddy work on the back panel and see if i can get them to ship me the missing screw.
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