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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. That's fine. Your suggestion for Kat prompted my post. As a sysadmin, I assume you know what you are doing when it comes to (relatively) transparent and open protocols. Wanted to make sure Shelly knew there were alternatives.
  2. Please avoid public trackers if you do wish to go the route. There are private trackers that have some requirements but are also relatively safer to use.
  3. Well played, good sir. Well played.
  4. NSFW. Shot some bodyscapes of a fellow photographer, Michelle.
  5. Julie trying to hang herself with Robyn's hair on New Year's eve. Not a fancy picture but especially dear to me because Robyn wasn't doing the infuriating duck face or fake smiling or whatever stupid crap teenagers do these days when taking a photo. That and I really liked the read background for some reason - the particular shade of red looked very pleasing to my eye.
  6. I like this one a lot better.
  7. Man you got the colors spot on. Is there a crop with more of the little dude? I find myself wishing for more of the bottom right.
  8. There might be some truth to it. We were dressed in dinosaur t shirts with math jokes on them but once Julie told the lady to stop patronizing me when it came to the math as I had a PhD in it, the color from her face drained and she stopped arguing with my calculations. They were already aware that I was in med school. In retrospect, when I was leading my civic last year around this same time, we talked the dealership down from 13500 to 7700 total cost of ownership for 3 years and I was treated with respect. No funny business was done other than the usual back and forth to arrive at a price. For Julies car the lady kept pointing to the monthly payments but refused to address how we were paying more than the agreed upon price as a total cost after the loan period. The differential was just a few dollars here and there. It was $3854 first. Then $2900. And progressively went down to $0 eventually when I got up from my chair. Magically all the math suddenly made sense to her and she triumphantly stated, "oh this is what you were asking for. You should have said that from the beginning!!!" "At the end of the loan period I am not going to pay a cent more than $17000 for this car. How you structure the monthly payments or taxes and fees is immaterial to me." Didn't think that was too dense a statement for a financial consultant to follow.
  9. Julie needed a car pretty badly - the old one was about to fall apart any day. For the last 5 days I had been traveling between some 12 dealerships all of whom promised me prices on cars on the phone and ended up coming up with a significantly higher price by the time we were done talking. Today we walked in with a truecar.com certificate hoping to make matters simple. Turned out the dealer didn't accept those. Using that as a starting point, we negotiated and agreed upon a price that was fair (not great). We shook hands on it, Julie signed the appropriate papers and then we waited 4 hours to speak with the finance people. This was Julie while we waited. We walk in the door to the finance lady's office and she is the happy funny person making jokes left and right. Then she tried to pull fast ones on me saying that I didn't understand the math (lol) and was making simple errors none of which she could explain. The price that was on the computer was $3800 higher than what we signed. I politely said that no way in hell was I paying more than the sticker price for the car. On top of that they were charging a 5.69% interest for the financing of the car even though Julie qualified for 0%. We were told that we could either get the 0% interest or we could get the price discounted. Again, I was told that the arithmetic was over my head and that I didn't understand financial math. This was Julie when the lady left the room to go grab her boss because I refused to continue talking to her. PS. The boss "restructured" the deal as a favor to us and ended up with a price that was $500 more than what was agreed upon, forced me to sign it saying that there were 5 other customers waiting to pay for their cars. I calmly got up and said, "you are more than welcome to take them. I am sorry to have taken your time. I will think about your offer and get back to you in a few days." He circled the number we had agreed upon, wrote down 0% next to it and smashed the pen into my hand. I signed it. Julie walked out with keys to a brand new fully equipped 2016 Toyota Corolla LE. Once we got out of the dealership This was the first time in her life she was driving a brand new car and she more than deserves it.
  10. Chicken and waffles
  11. Lisa. Thanks Doug, Jacob and Rob. There was a hawk that I kept trying to get in the middle of the frame where the sun was coming in but the fucker refused to go there. I was quite pleased and very surprised at what the humble nikon 50/1.4 could do with good light. I don't remember using the lens stopped down. Will have to check exif data but I think I was below f/5.6.
  12. Noted Reks, I'll try to approach the next set differently. It's the look that the ladies wanted. Maybe because they have seen some past images that had the washed out look so it's a cyclical thing. Thanks for the kind words Tyler. I'll see what I can do about the lopsided hair =/ Below is the view from today's shoot location High rise penthouse in Miami.
  13. Hopefully Julie never finds out but I snuck out in the middle of the night to grab this shot of the Cliffs of Moher when the moon was out. There was no ambient light (in fact you can see the lights from the distant town just above the cliffs on the left if you look closely). It was most likely a very foolish thing to do as I remember the winds being close to 30mph and I wasn't all that far from the cliff edges but I had the exact spot in mind and it wasn't too far of a hike from where I parked. You can see the brightness of the moon seeping in from the right. I just wish it weren't so cloudy - I am sure I could have gotten some amazing stars in there as well. Probably not because of how bright the moon was but it was amazing to be able to walk around without needing a flashlight (I had one regardless). I probably took maybe 15 long exposures before heading back. Due to the high winds all of them were unfortunately blurry - this was the least blurry. After a LOT of post, this is the best I could come up with. I didn't want to go overboard with saturation but this is about as close to the actual scene I remember. If it weren't cold (Julie doesn't do well with cold ) it certainly would be on the top of my list of places to retire to. I spent a good few hours playing around with this image. I have some great memories just trying to capture the scene. Hope it comes through in the final edit and that you like it
  14. NSFW... More from Lauren and Britt. Shared with permission. C/C welcome, as usual. Shot with Nikon as well (sorry Brent).
  15. Critiques are welcome. Help me avoid mistakes in the future.
  16. Thanks Mike's haven't heard from you in a while. All is well I hope.
  17. Oh please. The double standard here is so blatantly obvious it is absurd. The slower forum thread is of full of images of actually naked women and not once has Dan or anyone else, to my knowledge, been asked to use spoiler tags to hide pictures of naked women. Please don't insult me by saying that that is the appropriate forum for it - if posting pictures like these is demeaning to women, then it is demeaning in all parts of this website. I realize it is easy to pile on to someone when they are already getting dumped on - that takes no courage as the mob provides it and while you are entitled to your opinions, please don't ask me to censor myself to suit your sensibilities. Last I checked it was a free country and I am a legal US citizen. I would understand if I were posting something universally inappropriate like a video of a murder or something but the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is on national tv tonight. Millions of people will be watching. It's time to evolve your thinking to beyond the middle ages. If you don't like the content, feel free to not look. If you find my content in particular to be offensive, feel free to ignore my posts, as Al does - I don't mind. Calling essentially anyone who models in lingerie strippers or doing the picture equivalent of soft core porn is not just offensive and a puritanical way of thinking but point blank stupid. I come from one of the most sexually oppressed and backward societies in the world and even I didn't treat my colleagues as though they were strippers. The fact that any normal adult would think that is mind numbing. Why not chastise those who enjoyed looking at the images while you are at it? Surely, consumption of soft core porn and looking at strippers is equally bad as being a stripper or creating soft core porn to the prudish mind. I'll wait for your post scolding tall man, John, Ari, and Antonio.
  18. Except for the fact that all my posts are made the same way - I include the name of person or location and if anyone asks a question or expresses interest then I offer more information. I didn't know that I needed to treat this particular one differently. I didn't do anything wrong so I didn't think I needed to explain myself. I knew Antonio was joking so I joked back. As far as the photos being pervy, I guess it depends on which side of the line you are standing on. I find them to be tastefully done (which the models enthusiastically agreed with) and would suggest that you might be the one with the prudish outlook here. I guess I have been showing off for a while now as I have been posting pictures of hot women for a bit. Perhaps you and John should switch jobs. You seem to be pretty good at knowing what other people's motivations for their actions are. Perhaps not, as you are wrong in this instance. There are other images that I didn't share because I didn't have explicit permission to post them. Perhaps you should consider the notion that maybe I keep getting opportunities to shoot these hot women is because I respect their wishes as to which images to keep private and which ones I have permission to share? Whatever is shared here goes on my 500px page as well which they get links to so that they may share the images as well. Maybe I keep getting chances like these because I don't do shady shit that you are insinuating. I never did in the past either - why wasn't it an issue then? Only difference I can tell between my posts in the past was that I didn't mention that the models were fellow students. Seems to make sense to me as Chris never objected to me posting pictures of half naked women prior. "I have never had a body like they do but even then I doubt I would unless I wanted to be a model but they are med students." I still beg to differ. See above about subjects knowing what I was sharing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2YK7pADmWU
  19. "These women" spend 8-13 hours each day in the hospital on rotations and, without fail, go to the gym/cross fit for 2 hours every day. They excel at academia and have well rounded lives. What's wrong with having aspirations for both becoming a physician, and a model? Why must we limit people into this box where they should only be doing one thing even if they are good at other things? Quite honestly it's an offensive statement to make. I know I will never be some great photographer but am I to stop taking pictures or sharing them publicly because I am in med school? And if there's a double standard for me being able to do it because I'm a guy and they not being able to do it because they are girls then it's doubly offensive. With the amount of hard work they put into looking the way they do, I am not surprised that they wanted boudoir style images - I didn't ask the reason as it is none of my business (did ask for permission before sharing them publicly). Their social media pages are full of images in work out clothes which cover basically the same % of their body if the clothing is a concern. As for the matter of context, they walked away happier and more confident of themselves ("no way I look like that!") so I certainly didn't mind shooting them in a room in a bed instead of at the gym. You'd be surprised that even women who look like that have insecurities about themselves for many reasons most of which have nothing to do with their bodies. If a shoot like this can get them over that mental block, I don't see any harm in it not that I see any harm in doing a boudoir shoot for no reason in particular. No fundraisers on my end. 2 friends asked me to take pictures. I obliged. Nothing more to it. John, we practiced blood pressures 2 years ago it's amazing how comfortable my classmates and people in general get around me once they realize I have a lovely girlfriend and absolutely no intentions do anything to jeopardize my relationship with her.
  20. I shoot with a really really really long lens. I'm actually not even in the house. Just peeping through the window
  21. Thanks John. Courtney was a wonderful lady to work with. She has 3 kids, works full time and is an avid cross fitter. Next we have a couple of classmates of mine, Brittney (the one standing) and Lauren (both can likely bench press more than me).
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