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Everything posted by shinichi

  1. just as my title, can anyone give me some ideas about detecting the lifetime's of tube inside the audio aero DAC. From what i know, the lifetime of the tube is around 10000 However, the original owner used it for 1 year and 2 months. So i think I can only use it for 10 more months.Is it right? do you know any ways to prolong the lifetube? when i read the instruction, they advise me to let the DAC on all the time . If i turn it off, I need to wait 1 or 2 days to make the DAC do its best when the tube died, where can i contact to have the replacement? thanks
  2. maybe this question is kind of newbie. why do we still need preamp for speaker when we already have amplifier option for it? thanks
  3. now i know something new :p:p
  4. if waiting time is no object(assuming that we can get it right now) , then which amp will you guy want to own the most? I have just looked at the TTVJ 307a and noticed that it didn't have a seperated power supply like other high end amplifier. Is it still good?
  5. I think it may be a weird question. But I am thinking about going for either a high end dynamic setup with RSA B52(with grado PS1) or a high end electrostatic setup with single power ES1 (with stax Omega). Having no experience about them. I wonder whether it is worth at investing on the single power ES1 or RSA B52. if you agree with ES1, how much do you think i should invest on it? My only taste is that super big soundstage and real sound thanks
  6. you guy are talking about amp for speaker not for headphone , right? why is it poinless if i bought the AVI? do you mean that the AVI ADM9 will degrade the sound of the audio aero DAC because of its built-in DAC??
  7. sorry for not stating clearly my goal I have just bought the audio aero DAC (your advises ). And right now I only want to buy speakers not a whole set up. I am thinking that i will connect either AVI ADM9 or the Harbeth to the Audio Aero DAC. However, I have no clue about their sound except knowing that they are both good. Which one is better?
  8. I am thinking between the headroom harbeth and avi ADM9 now but i know for sure that i won't have a chance to audition them. Therefore, everyone here is my only hope can anyone tell me which one is better? thanks
  9. thanks everyone, I try to search the headroom Harbeth on audiogon but don't see any for sale posts. Look like all of the owners' of speakers won't let the speakers gone:p:p
  10. actually, I want to buy a good CD player which can play MP3 file so i don't need to listen to my PC because i think CD player circuit board will produce better sound than soundcard of PC ??
  11. is this DAC better than the bel canto DAC3 or benchmark DAC1? if i buy this one, then i will connect it to my digital output on my soundcard???. It seems like my soundcard will degrade the sound of the DAC, RIGHT?
  12. my soundcard also has a digital out it is the rme HDSP9632. I also bought the extra balance cable for the card too
  13. hi , can anyone recommend me an used excellent speaker for pc(my sound card has xlr balance, rca analog,...)? so far i only know the quad 12l active is good for pc(for the qual 12l2 , i think it won't let me use with pc). can anyone recommend me some speakers which are above level of quad 12l active? my budget for speaker pc will be around 1.5k for a used one thanks
  14. hi, right now my main source is a PC I want to buy a good used CD player which can play mp3 disks because most of my song are mp3 files. I know you may recommend me to use flossless files but I mainly download music from internet so flossless files are hard to find cables i have had so far are virtual dynamics digital RCA and analog RCA my budget will be around 4k when you recommend me the player, can you also give me a good price tag for it? which brand should i consider? thanks for your time
  15. thanks for your sharing experience after trying to compare between the bowl and flat earpad for ps1 i can tell that the flat will make the sound become wider . However, the bass become stronger for the bowl, the sound become less wide and smaller i try to listen to ps1 without using any earpad and was impressed at the sound. Nice soundstage and bass. Maybe from now , i should use a naked ps1 ;D
  16. Can anyone tell me which earpad is the best one for grado ps1? bowl one, flat one, or the earpad of GS1000, or anything else you think it is the best In addition, can you also tell me which amplifier is good for the phone? thanks for your time to help me
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