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Everything posted by dreamwhisper

  1. I'm talking about the near-nos he60 on the other site btw, it seems 1900 is pretty steep considering the cost of shipping and duties etc, all just to replace such a simple part like o-rings what is a fair price for a NOS or a near-NOS he60 these days?
  2. John Coltrane - Heavyweight Champion: The Complete Atlantic Recordings
  3. heavy, at this point my bets are on two seperate courses of action/reaction 1)to return to mother nature after some sort of unexpected (cataclysmic?) event such as a Stax fart, where our environment that we live in reacts in an unforeseen way, causing us to pause and reconsider our place in our headstage, erm I mean new worldview, *cough* 2)we become androids, or at least acquire cybernetic implants unfortunately, if this were the case, we would no longer need headphones to experience music, what's higher fidelity? a mylar diaphragm rattling away or a fiber optic cable connected directly to your spinal cord?
  4. @manaox, i shouldve known that, apologies to all for using the absolutely most tactless and tired of ways to ask that question That aside, does anyone know if a near-NOS he60 will likely have o-ring problems imminently?
  5. jesus that looks like a porcupine cool, now that you've got yours I'm going to put up my wtb ad
  6. dreamwhisper


    I'm a fan, but I'm going to wait until I have the whole season so I can watch it on my own terms.
  7. another mistake: (I messed up the tier description) Tier 1: these are a joy to listen to Tier 2: slight shortcomings but very nice Tier 3: could live with this if I hadn't tasted the forbidden fruit Tier 4: not quite sure about these, a little too kinky for my taste Tier 5: giveaways
  8. haha I bet one of the reasons why people would guess 1 or 2 is because of their short attention span on a related topic, there is also a set limit to how much info the human mind can hold in it's head at once, as well as time allowed for it to be absorbed by the subconscious if applicable also the idea that the order in which the information is presented influences our conclusion We really are an impressionable bunch I guess that goes with how I audition gear, 1)decide everything I own is flawed 2)try sell it 3)if I can't sell it, forget about it, and find myself enjoying it immensely 4)repeat
  9. shit, did I say modded? I meant unmodded... haha, thanks for pointing that out Good to hear you received yours
  10. updated Tier 1: Headphile AKG K340, ATH W5000, ATH AD2000, ATH W11JPN Tier 2: ATH A900ti, modded YH100, Balanced HD650 (maybe these just needed tubes), K501, Tier 3: K240DF, DT531, K241(K240LP), Tier 4: W100 w/ W5000 drivers, HD25-1, AKG K271, AKG K141, DT880 '05 Edition, MD5000, Tier 5: K240MP, K240 Anniversary, Shure SCL2, AKG K81 DJ There's a good chance the W5000 and AD2000 would be rated better than the K340 if they were amped with the Zana Deux Tier 1: these are a joy to listen to Tier 2: slight shortcomings but very nice Tier 3: not quite sure about these, a little too kinky for my taste Tier 4: huh? Tier 5: giveaways Tiers 4 & 5 really shouldn't be rated, they failed at a lot of things
  11. I thought we were talkin about Jena Labs, but now I'm not sure. Why would Jena Labs recable with SPC?: http://www.head-case.org/forums/headphones/785-headcase-stax-thread-175.html So who is -=she=-?
  12. Just to doublecheck, this is Waddraggon or w/e right? AudiogoN ForSale: Stax Sr-007 Omega Ii MKI electrostatic If so, I find it strange that the majority if not all people buing omega 2's know of him and don't trust him
  13. Thanks for your replies Are there any issues to buying an O2 mk1 second-hand like with the HE60? Do the drivers respond differently to environmental conditions over time? dust? wear? In for sale listings I hardly ever see people advertise them as being stored under a dust cover. This worries me, considering the price they go for. Also, I've seen reports of people buying different versions of O2's.
  14. powered usb splitter
  15. Which is easier to listen to at a low volume?
  16. hmmm HTC Hero vs Iphone vs Palm Pre?
  17. 6 Ft Digital Optical Fiber Optic Toslink Audio Cable - eBay (item 370278524349 end time Oct-28-09 20:52:19 PDT)
  18. the mystical poet Rumi come on guys, the whole fun is to pretend
  19. Interesting, where does reel to reel fit in? Sorry, I meant "Your average cd these days is produced so that it sounds good even on the crappiest speakers, like one of those portable radios.
  20. lol you might just think this way because the first dac you owned was the benchmark dac1, which sounds very seperated, seperate shattering shards of glass. (and you yourself is the one who said this) However, in my short time with the Benchmark I did feel the same way. Inversely, the first dac I owned was the Lavry DA10 where everything sounded compressed and semi-veiled, so we may be coming from different places on this whole compression thing. good point
  21. I don't have experience with high-end vinyl, but I'm aware that vinyl has more dynamic range in general than your average cd. This has more to do with the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war than it does with vinyl as a medium: http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=Vinyl_Myths Your average cd these days is produced so that it sounds good on the crappiest speakers, like one of those portable radios. SACD and specially mastered/remastered versions are different because, as Neko says, they're targeting a different audience. I've only heard 24/96 vinyl rips on computer which I think sound lower in volume as well as compressed. (compression is another way of saying lower in dynamic range which is ironic) Evidently, (from my experience) digital vinyl is no solution. hah
  22. Yeah I guess people don't need the biggest soundstage for headphones. Interesting that you mention congestion, I never seem to notice that I am not arguing with you as I think you are right and were with the Electrocompaniet as well. So what are some DAC's that have little congestion? What is the opposite of congestion anyway, clarity?
  23. ok, so who do we know around here that would build one of these for me?
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