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Everything posted by dreamwhisper

  1. Lately I've been listening to this breakbeat radio station Soundcheckradio
  2. too bad they didn't get a chance to review the Beyer T1 because they rate the DT880 very highly studioheadphones.pdf
  3. Try the two with a nice pair of studio monitors in a treated room. You may notice a difference in the resolution, frequency extension as well as tonality/neutrality. (the areas I thought it excelled nicely) At the very least, why not do your subconscious a favor and adhere to the placebo-affect inherent in listening to the more expensive gear? BTW, what do you vinyl owners have to say about how the PerfectWave compares to your vinyl rigs?
  4. I am definitely interested in reading the rest of the article. Thanks for letting us know.
  5. Yeah I feel ya. The 1100 is a really good DAC. I'm tempted by the Assemblage 3.1 & D2D or if I had even more cash the Emm Labs dcc2se
  6. So one fine evening on boxing day, still stuffed full of leftover turkey and feeling tired from 3 days straight of overeating, I am listening to some tunes. I've just gotten back from 3 days without headphone access. I'm listening to a lossless flac file and stop to take the headphones off all of a sudden... I think to myself 'wtf are my headphones/ears broken?' What has changed in these 3 days? I sit back in disbelief as I pack another bowl of some decent 'AA' BC hydroponic, contemplating how I will pursue a music career being deaf, or at least having sub-par hearing. Then, I see winamp flickering through the different mp3 bitrates (as it does with variable ones) and ditch the crappy 192 VBR mp3 and put on some FLAC. damn
  7. ...still can't imagine why anyone would want these over an Omega 2 though which is only $3-400 more
  8. SO: 1) They're a lush sounding Beyer (similar to the DT531 in that respect) 2) They're not basshead phones (my impression is Skylab is a basshead) 3) They have more musical mids than HD800 (so perhaps not the authority on neutrality/boringness) Although it is still all heresay until I can hear them, this info does impress me. Quotes taken from this post: Beyerdynamic to launch new top headphone at IFA - Page 47 - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  9. I really liked the DT531, so who knows, maybe the t1 will be alright but, if they go with the 'electric' treble of other beyer phones (namely the 880's) it will most likely suck it would be interesting to see a comparo tho between these and hd800's, since both are going for a 'neutral' approach to me ATH's and AKG's just sound like the more coloured brands compared to Senn And Beyer
  10. good stuff yeah I've been trying to decide which Ella album to get (she has quite a few) good to know about the other albums as well of course and at the bottom of the page are the top albums of the decade as well
  11. yeah I feel the same with with bad jazz recordings and my k340's but when you find a well mastered/recorded one, like kind of blue the effect is nothing short of stunning
  12. another free electronic netlabel: http://digital-diamonds.com/ and this looks interesting for psychedelic electronic music Hypnagog also goes by the name terrafractyl, makes some of the the best morning psy I've heard Hypnagog - Dreaming in Pieces Index of /uprecords/Hypnagog_Dreaming_In_Pieces_EP and a promising looking dnb release on ektoplazm: http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/cybernetika-atropos/
  13. glitch hop: opiuo electronic: Ektoplazm - Free Music Portal and Psytrance Netlabel - MP3, FLAC, and WAV Downloads Sun Station and a mix of psytrance, psybreaks, ambient, drum and bass, electronic, techno and electro: paniq - Archive
  14. it sounds really similar to the Bel Canto DAC3, except the Bel Canto is more transparent and has way nicer extended highs. DAC3 sounds warm, whereas DA10 is more neutral, and also lacks some dynamic range in comparison as well as not quite as much lower level detail. Hardly fair because the DAC3 is twice the price, but I'd say it's worth it, especially if you wanted the neutrality of the Lavry. Yeah I thought the headamp was decent. When I was audtioning the DA10 and the Electrocompaniet ECD1 the Lavry suffered greatly for looking like a piece 'o brown log Speaking of DAC's. I'm really liking Mr Apogee MiniDAC, it doesn't really have to apologize much as it sounds nicely musical. I have a bit of a problem with the bass and how its a little loose and could extend deeper but it's starting to grow on me. It's sound sig is what I consider enjoyable, warm with nice PRaT. I prefer it to the Lavry, and even the Bel Canto because I find it more to my taste. I think my dream DAC at the moment is a Processor 3, but I could last for a while just with the Apogee.
  15. it's thanksgiving? than what was that holiday we just had in October where we ate turkey and pumpkin pie? hmm, just checked on Wikipedia it looks like Thanksgiving in Canada is October 8th, the same day as Columbus Day in the USA 2007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  16. ok well, the w5000 could be generally considered better, but it is also very amp dependent, while the ad2000 isn't banter aside, the w5000 needs more than just a g-lite,, not sure about woo, to bring out the bass more, unless you plan on modding it to F5000/F5005 or running it balanced in the future It basically need a dedicated rig the ad2000 you can run from anything, although I personally liked it with tubes. So if I was given the choice, I'd go ad2000 that said, people have reported the ad900 as being more warm sounding so maybe that would be a better route in your case why aren't you going for electrostats though? from my experience with the k340's, they're just simply better than dynamics could ever be
  17. I would describe these headphones more as different than better/worse. what genres do you listen to? what amplification will you be using?
  18. what's the bass impact like on the O2 with an srm-717?
  19. In my experience the beyer 880 synergises well with the darkvoice amps, I would go for the 337 if you're using 650's, neither the 332 or 336se are quite powerful enough imo, and I haven't heard the 337, but I'm willing to bet it would work well with the 650's, any of the darkvoice amps will be good enough for the beyer's that is of course, if you must have a dynamic rig
  20. hey Elephas, how can you listen to Shpongle on one hand and that processed cheese on the other? How about instead of exploring the world of pop check out more stuff like shpongle: Celtic Cross (simon posford as well), Entheogenic, shulman, phuture primitive, slackbaba, eat static - back to earth, chilled c'quence - dream triggers, adham shaikh - fusion Music like that requires artistic vision from the artist in order to be created, not just a wealthy benefactor to sell the image of some young sassy piece of ass and to pay for the latest version of Auto-Tune Evo and the time of someone who is a wizard with production software.
  21. just checked on the stacker, looks like it sold, there is a balanced bijou still there tho
  22. have you considered the Stacker for sale on head-fi right now? it has some SS elements. I think it or another ss/tube hybrid would be a significant upgrade to your system. my .02
  23. How about this one? tis the season after all...
  24. Yeah organic turkey pepperoni is pretty good too.
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