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Everything posted by dreamwhisper

  1. grapefruit mary-ye-wana [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNbExvU42q4]YouTube - drugs are bad, mkay..[/ame]
  2. I reccommend Phaelaeh, Shpongle/Hallucinogen, Mood Deluxe/Nagual Sound Experiment, Chillosophy Vol.2, Anahata - The Unmade Sound (deserves its own sentence) btw I just gotta say my K340's are awesome Nice low bass (prbly bass-heavy ones) Smooth as butter mids. The W5000 mids reign supreme for me sometimes by being coloured and forward making some songs unreal/out of this world. And inversely my YH100's would win for transparency. If ONLY there was a way of modding the drivers into another headphone. (The w11jpn for example... so expensive tho.. w10VTG maybe?) Or you could pay someone to make custom wood too, though.. s2 audio maybe?
  3. So is there as much bass impact as the AD2000? or the unmodded YH100 if you've tried them? Also, where did you buy the bananna hanger? I'm looking for one of those. thx
  4. Thanks for the update! Yeah with female vocals, the ECD1 sounded the best I've heard. Ahh yes, congestion makes a lot of sense. I never thought of calling it that but yeah I experienced that too. The bass on the ECD1 was supreme, really solid and extended deep. It may have even been a bit boosted.
  5. ECD1 has better bass than my 1100HD but the highs were sketchier. The soundstage was more euphonic (tubey) which is prbly why the midrange on it sounded so awesome. Overall I like the Parasound DAC better. It transmits the information of the recording, sounding musical, not sounding coloured like the ECD1. I prefer that type of presentation.
  6. I bought Deepak's YH100's They're awesome unmodded even!
  7. I think so. I'd buy it.
  8. Interesting. When I had a balanced set-up I was using Canare Starquad cables. (the same that my dad uses in his recording studio) I never thought twice about it, and I'm not too worried about noise. (especially when balanced) However, I did think that my setup sounded grungy and dirty: (last paragraph of this comparison: UltimateAVmag.com: The Great Audio Cable Debate) BUT I attribute that to my Lavry DA10. My setup was Lavry -> Balanced Beta22 -> Zu Mobius XLR'd HD650s I didn't try any other DAC's on that rig however, so I can't really say. But I thought the Lavry sounded grungy with studio monitors as well.
  9. at my computer, buying Parasound's before you do
  10. you guys are wasting your time with the HF-2's I just auditioned a pair of HF-3's with Todd and John and they're way better
  11. FT My K1000's for your OmegaII MkI's - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  12. Has anyone compared the HF-2 to the YH100 ortho?
  13. happy birthday crabby... (cancer the crab) good luck on the parasound sale btw
  14. can you buy it from ttvj even if you live outside of the states? EDIT:NVM, it looks like Cankin is having his shipped to him. weird, Grado products don't usually ship out of the states?
  15. got my third job so I can buy a: Darkvoice 332se, Gilmore Reference Pre-Amplifier ...and your Mom
  16. yeah, that show annoyed the hell out of me. I liked Dave Chappelle show quite a lot. When did The Simpsons start copying family guy/going downhill, anyone know?
  17. and then shill it on head-fi!
  18. compared to the dac3, the ECD1 seemed hotter, the comparison wasn't done using the same components however, so ymmv btw, you used to be able to buy the ECD1's for $1000, but now theyre more like $1100-1200... seems like they're gaining some popularity for what its worth
  19. nice find, I'm looking for a parasound a well
  20. well, at the very least I must say that I admire your dedication lol
  21. great article thanks for the bump
  22. Unkle Erik lays it on thick with a lot of things. He said in a post that the HD650s w/ Zu Cable // Balanced Beta 22 // Lavry DA10 was heaven. IO owned this combination and I wasn't impressed. I think the Lavry is shite and Icarium will back me up on that. Although I have no complaints on the Beta 22. EDIT: Just realized that some of this may be personal taste. Unkle Erik is prbly a good god-fearing civilian like you and I. So much for posting on Head-Case drunk.
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