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Everything posted by randerson3024

  1. Japan - southern Kyushu, 2 hours south of Nagasaki. It's been a few years since I have been here. It was the best classical/jazz store I have been too in Japan with really great XRCD's that just can't be found anywhere else. I work on a ship a good part of the year..................
  2. I arrived in Sasebo, Japan with a big wad of cash to go to my favorite record store only to find out they went out of business. Fuck!!
  3. What balance you use?
  4. You're right. The ED 9's were a distraction for about a week. I'm back on 'stats now.
  5. I fucked up! Thank god for my electrostacics. Life woiuld be meaningless without Omegas and HE 90's (and a big ole' fuckin' pair of Maggies at home!).
  6. Anyone heard these things? I have some 9's, which even with all their coloration and funky bass, can sound good at times (with my EAR HP4 or Raptor). I put in a bid on an auction not thinking I would have a chance to win, and now I may.
  7. Cool, I am in no hurry.
  8. I will. I need to find a good source. New ones, or used broken in ones?
  9. The real question is what to do tomorrow, my "day off" at sea, other than reading, listening to music, and eating shitty food, I suppose I could see how many times I can jerk off without any nutrients or water.............................God, I need a vacation, my car, and my fucking Magnepans!
  10. I tried to keep an open mind and buy some Chinese cables. They look pretty and sound like dogshit. I am back on Harmonix RCA's to the Raptor (bring on the complaints) and the Stax, and they sound great. Almost as good as the Stealth Indras, which for the price could feed a Darfur settlement for weeks. These fucking prices are out of control.
  11. OK, so if I send you some 404's, duct tape, and a hooker, you can make me some magical headphones?
  12. I finally fixed this fucking radar.
  13. I am eagerly awaiting my Blue Hawaii Special Edition.
  14. My inattention to the first posts of the thread led me to the wrong conclusion, however, any small good speaker can usually show marked improvement with a stand; expensive, or cheap, typically deadened and spiked. I have no experience with desktop speakers, and remain somewhat embarrased regarding my lack of attention to the entire thread.
  15. Busted! I did not read the entire thread.
  16. Oh for fuck's sake - dumpster AR4's - try some Green Mountain Europas. You need a good stand, but they are reasonable. INDEED
  17. Welcome. This is a cool site, a bit more freedom of expression than others.......

  18. Too bad Uday's not around to coach the Iraqi team any more, that gear would be in the bag.
  19. Worked on this crappy radar all of last night and today.
  20. FYI - There is a guy on Audiogon from Germany auctioning Ultrasone Edition 7's, Sony MDR 10's, and selling an HE90/HEV90 with two sets of HE90's available. Price is a subjective thing, so I won't comment, but they are available. I can't pass judgment, I bought an extra Aristeaus in a package deal to get my Omega's and HE 90's. I tried to pimp my sister out, but the guy just wanted the cash. Must be all that back hair............
  21. Thanks. I'm not sure. The dealer still carries ZYX, but was selling mostly Transfiguration, EMT, and the occasional Air Tight. The name of the business is Audio Note, ask for Cecil Tan.
  22. Cheap - Kimber Medium - Shunyata Antares or Altair Insane - Stealth Indra I am discovering awesome deals on Chinese high end cables and equipment while in Singapore, they are sure to skyrocket in price once popular. I could get some names for you. I bought some for roughly $300US that are better than Nordost Valhalla. I would give the name, but it's in Chinise.
  23. I was going to buy a ZYX while in Singapore, but the dealer had both the Transfiguration Orpheus and Air Tight PC-1. Even with the shitty dollar conversion rate, the PC-1 came out on top and should sound great on my Basis set up. It will replace a Lyra Titan, which just didn't quite do it for me (replacing a Koetsu). I would love to hear one set up properly.
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