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Everything posted by randerson3024

  1. Definately audition the 8's first. I was really disappointed in them, even with cable improvements.
  2. Really? That looks nice for $30.
  3. Not on this 220 ft flat bottomed boat! We get the shit beat out of us constantly. That is why the Esoteric VRDS transport is so cool. It will track through an explosion.
  4. My Reimyo is mated perfectly the K2 processor. I think it is among very best digital playback I have heard to date.
  5. I be havin' plenty o' turntables, just none at sea, and yes, I actually thought about it, but there is just no fucking way with all the motion out here.
  6. I'll check it out. The one I requested through my dealer is back ordered. Thanks.
  7. Well played, sir.
  8. If you like the 103 (which I have loved for years, the "D"), you should check out the Zu DL 103D. It will blow your mind.
  9. Nice selections. I picked up some of the same when we were in Singapore. K2 just sounds great.
  10. Thanks - I'll check out the links.
  11. I plan to whenever I get home again.
  12. I think I am giving up on watches for some time. The Daytona is basically a pretty twelve thousand dollar turd. In retrospect, I should have spent that money on my audio, or some mods to my car. The watch I wear the most is a simple stainless Omega Constellation. It runs great, is comfortable, and looks good.
  13. No shit? School me more, Obi-Wan. I just bought it because I am pissed about not being able to go home this month and felt like spending some money. The only other serious considerations I have had have been the Linn DS's (probably the Akurate) or a Berkeley DAC, which I did hear at Goodwin's on a business trip.
  14. Well, I got itchy and ordered one anyway. It's cheap, so what the hell....... I have never used any computer as a source. If this thing sounds halfway decent, I may look at Linn DS or Berkeley. I have over 3000 CD's on the ship, and I am running out of space to keep them all, and worry about shipping them home eventually. Right now, I am using an Esoteric DV 60 feeding a Reimyo DAP 999, as well as a Linn Unidisk 1.1, so I'm OK in the spin department. I sent my P-03/D-03/G-0Rb combination safely home. Thanks to all for the tips.
  15. I'm too lazy to read 20 pages, so if anyone owns one, is it worth it? I never use my computer as a source, but would like to try out here on Das Boot. Pardon the laziness.
  16. Thanks for the kind comments. I come to Dubai at least every 4 to 6 months, and the city skyline is always changing. The economy is in decline, so it may slow down. Very cool, wierd, and touristy. I am too busy working on a short trip to enjoy it this time. This may be a double post, the internet connection on the boat crapped out right after I submitted my reply. Bob
  17. Thank you!
  18. I only like watches because I can't stand wearing rings or any other jewerly, it is just uncomfortable to me. I like the style of an elegant watch, but the truth is that a cheap watch will pretty much tell time as well as a good one, and the Rolex, which is the most expensive one I own, actually tells the worst time, and will stop running if it sits more than two days. I regret buying it, and would rather have something really exotic. My other kinetic watches all work much better. Watches are a matter of taste, but none to date have added any inches to my dick.
  19. I have pair of 9's, that while colored, do sound OK from time to time depending on my mood and the music. I bought some re-cabled 8's, and they sounded like absolute shit compared to the 9's, much less any good electrostat. Conventional headphones I have come to appreciate are the HD 800's. The cost is about the same, and the performance outclasses any Ultrasone I have ever heard.
  20. Thanks it is encouraging to hear from others!
  21. Thanks, I will be more discreet with my emails! For all you spammers, I can be reached at [email protected]!
  22. Thanks - it's nice to just feel like shit and not worry about it. This is a great group of people on line.
  23. Depending on our schedule, we may still be here. Email at censored from teh spambots. I am leaving maybe the next day. Perhaps we could meet up. I am at Jebel Ali, but could get to town, and perhaps get a room at the JW Marriott to de-stress a little. It would be cool to actually meet in person, and you and I have swapped some cool messages. Bob
  24. K1000's are cool, but drive me nuts making the adjustements for each recording. Try the Maggie 1.6's, they are relatively cheap (even if used), and get you close to the truth. You will need power for them, and not some bullshit highly rated amp, rather something capable of handling high current and variations in impedence, say a second hand Bryston 3B ST. If you can't swing it, I have an old Perreaux 1150b at home I could loan you, providing we can develop decent trust. Forgive my mood tonight, we just arrived in Dubai, and I found out I am not going to be able see my dad after having a mild stroke due to work shit. I am upset, liquored up, and not myself. He isn't paralyzed, but he can't remember conversations from day to day. This is a man with a law degree and two PhD's. I think we all live in awe of our fathers, and it is hard watching him devolve and lose his dignity. To delete the previous paragraph or not - I think not, Head Case allows for freedom of expression much better than any other site promoting similar interests, and I have made good friends through these forums. Forgive me if I am wrong. Be well - Bob
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