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Everything posted by Kabeer

  1. Nope not yet.....supposedly Russian post is slow....hope it actually turns up. Heh Smeggy has many many treasures hiding in his cave. I think maybe after Wualta he is in possesion of the largest cache of orthos in the world .
  2. Sounds like your well on the way!!! I havent heard a T30. So dunno how they would work. But the NAD's are BEASTS, with massive damping they barely gain treble sparkle (and I usually find most headphones have too much trebles ). Thats why I reccomended the circumaural pads, Iv got a bit of tuning left to do on mine, but thanks to Colin's circum reccomendation these things are sounding pretty killer!! If you add too much damping of course its possible you you reach nirvana , but if you overdamp you tend to find things will get a bit tooooooo crazy fast, and also you'll lose the deepest bass and soundstage. The goal of ortho damping is to reach the 'equilibrium point' of damping, where its neither underdamped or overdamped. But this is much easier said than done. To me though it sounds like your well on your way. Yes SEAL the densest layer near the driver, should make it much more effective. Well with a slightly smaller driver that is an evolution of design (the T50rp) this has already been done . Smeggy has used a more rigid housing and Omega pads, and supposedly its the bees balls! .
  3. Well from my experience of the NAD's today, I think if you put full proper Circumaural pads on them, it should boost the trebles enough, and kill a tiny bit of the bass. Then try bjarnetv's damping scheme for his T30, he posted it on headfi. Or smeggy has done a radical mod on the T30 so he might know a scheme. But otherwise... for damping, get the most DENSE and thin felt you can possibly find and make sure it seals against the driver (tape its edges to the driver). Make sure the ENTIRE internal cup chamber is either filled with felt, or the walls covered with dense felt. To kill internal wave reflections. If you find you really really need a super thin damping layer. Try buying some micropore tape like JadeEast mentioned on the ortho thread. Its about as thin a layer as you can possibly get. Hope that all helps!!! Remember its not JUST about controlling the freq response, its about damping them to properly control the backwave and internal reflections. Only AFTER controlling those waves, should you think of tuning the freq response (and by then the sound will already be nearly in control)
  4. f2d's pair are stock though right? So must be rather out of control.
  5. I think the mini3 high performance model (higher current output), is set somewhere around the 4.5-5.5x gain mark. So nothing amazingly high. I dont have any monster amps to test with so Im just going by my experience of the Starving Student and the other portable amps i'v had before. I guess smeggy has some nice old receivers to power stuff so he knows what he is talking about . When you get your b22 smegg it will be interesting to hear how well it does with orthos. edit: Btw, the hardest thing to drive at the moment in my stable is the HP-50S, and thats because iv damped it soooo hard its crazy.
  6. yup its great with orthos! And its a decent price. Dbel is giving me a speaker adapter to try my wharfedales with my speaker amp.
  7. Although you could still fiddle with tuning. The Hp/YH-1 arent known for being the bassiest Yamaha's. They supposedly go v.deep, but not with big volume down there. Have you heard a YH-100?
  8. Yup i'v experienced that too. But its only been on one or two headphones with quality deep bass...
  9. If the NAD is anything like the Aiwa then check this out: Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio - View Single Post - Orthodynamic Roundup Mark II: http://www.head-fi.org/forums/5049311-post6015.html And follow the note on the PS: italics writing at the bottom. But you might some volume from the very deepest bass. Also, if you want more treble after that, a small bit of reflex tape, even partially placed will easily boost that from here.
  10. So you added a big reflex donut, and no damping :S? So this would assume the SFI doesnt really require and damping, and just a big treble boost?
  11. Heh, nice thread. Since you are looking at anything and everything, maybe we should take on the opinions of an acoustical engineer, someone who can give better direction for us to take. Btw Smeggy, I have used a polyester women's dress material in my HP-50S, which is basically a coarser and cheapass kinda silk I would think.... I have also tried the cotton pads, you might have to remove the top and bottom layer from them, like Tomek has done, because they are a thicker paper, and might choke the sound.... I am no expert, but I think combinations of different felt densities and reflex dots can pretty much achieve everything! The polyester I use sharpens up the whole spectrum a little without losing too much bass, so I use them as tuning discs, but it colours the sound a bit. And the only occasion I used paper inside the earcup it sounded HORRIBLE, just like you expect someone putting paper inside your earcup lol.
  12. Italian post seems like your local postie got distracted!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi2dGBf09kw
  14. Oh yes, we should take the load off his back . Make the call .
  15. looks v.interesting, remember seeing this a long while back. What is the issue that it cant get past the alpha stage?
  16. Nope, The T50rp driver has higher input current peak, and a larger quoted freq. response than the T20 and T40MKII's according to Fostex's website. Unless of course they have changed that without updating the site... "http://www.fostexinternational.com/docs/music_products/rp_series.shtml" On some borchures it quotes only the T50rp as having the Copper traces, where as this site doesnt specifically say its the T50 only, its more vague. Either way all three have different drivers according to the specs.
  17. Hmm so thats what they meant by farty bass...
  18. Fostex T50RP Closed Studio Headphone | BSWUSA.com Thats where we bought Smeggy's pair from...but I think it might be prohibitive to buy into UK with that site.... Not sure otherwise .
  19. Bodge bodge
  20. Its the pink hat thats doing it for you huh . To match your hair . Im gonna send you someone with a brown hat!
  21. In stock form, it shouldnt struggle thaat much...especially with a starving student. I dont have the T50RP, but I have an older T50 style driver, and the Starving Student does a decent job. Also does a great job with the much harder to drive Yamaha HP-3.
  22. PM sent, v.interested.
  23. Hey guys, does anyone have any Stax electret, SR-X, or Realistic Pro 30 style pads spare? I would like to buy a pair for a SFI style creation . Thanks.
  24. Hey, if the magnets have cracked I guess we can now see the insides of a Yamaha driver?
  25. Thanks, thats interesting, a reverse reflex dot! Kinda like the disc on the baffle side of Wualtas T50 driver. And you stuffed the cup with toilet tissue :S! Very strange, so that works as well as felt? I guess its an easy source if it does! . Im at the stage where iv gone damping crazy, and I need a proper reference headphone. Unfortunately anything worthwhile I cant afford . Anyone in London with a really good headphone setup that wouldnt mind me comparing my Aiwas and YH-100 to?
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