Well the D7000 is like $650ish, but it was being considered in the same pile too :S. Headphone prices seem to go up exponentially with performance.
The Shure is better than its price definately so its a bargain.
But thunderpants are a good deal better in my opinion, a good planar has something over a good dynamic in my opinion. And in fact they like the Shure are a GREAT deal for their price, if this was a commercial product it would surely be in a higher price bracket.
That MB Quart colin mentioned is a v.good competitor to the Shure as well.
Yeah I agree with Dusty above. Well the T40v1 is a good option. T50rp, doesnt shine modded in stock housing, well it can sound good i think, but it would take a veryyy masterful effort to get it there. The extreme mods (ala Smeggy) are what really transforms it.