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Everything posted by mojo_lo

  1. Yes, it was the ESW9's. I've had both versions of ESW9's. The first I bought from warehouse123 (online shop based in Hong Kong). They certainly did have an upper mid/treble bite so I ended up selling them. Examined the built quality very carefully just to make sure they were authentic - 99.9% certain they were Wanting to see if I could find the version with the smoother sound, I ordered another pair direct from an eBay seller in Japan. I lucked out this time and have been enjoying them in the office ever since! There were a few variables I noticed between the two different pairs, but difficult to say which was most important: - The pair from Hong Kong were meant for the Chinese/HK market....DUH! - The pair from Hong Kong had a later manufacturing date - The pair from Hong Kong had a lighter, slightly redder finish ....all of this went down in Q2 2008. BTW, I like the ESW9's much better amped fairly budget desktop rig at work but the amp tightens up the bass a good amount.
  2. ^^^bling bling. custom made for mc hamma the guy in the first post didn't do all that bad of a job. i'd rather see "real" photos than marketing collateral anyway so be sure to thank him if you see him around! do you notice the same as aerius when the volume is cranked up? i wonder how loud you have to go before this starts happening. i tend to listen fairly loud - maybe bad hearing.
  3. Some more photos of the Head One (courtesy of 6moons). Anybody else try this amp out yet, especially in comparison to a Yammy or Mapletree? Click'>http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/trafomatic2/2_14big.jpg"]Click for larger size
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