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- Birthday 05/13/1981
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Is that true? I wonder who they stole the DEQ2496 design from, then. I'd love to have the real deal. The DEQ2496 is a really versatile piece of gear.
Just get a pair of standard XLR-to-RCA adapters, unscrew the XLR end and cut the thin wire shorting pin 3 (negative) and pin 1 (chassis ground). My XLR-to-RCA adapters were wired this way. When I used them on the balanced outputs of my Weiss DAC1-MK2 they added a lot of distortion to the output. Thankfully no damage was caused since both outputs are short circuit-proof. I became fully aware of this issue when I approached the creator of my DAC:
Hey Todd, your signature says that you still use HD650s, but that headphone jack plugged into the menace tells us a different story.
Maybe he's talking about the fact that the HD800 has been diffuse field equalized?
Well, if you were to find a DAC fully capable of amplifying your headphones directly, you could argue that the amp budget could instead go a long way of paying for said uber DAC, thus allowing you to go the extra mile on the DAC spending.
In my experience, listening with headphones tends to bring everything closer to you. Personally I prefer to pair my HD800 with a DAC with a fairly even distribution of the various frequencies in order to be able to accurately follow each instrument in the recording. An example would be my own Weiss DAC1-MK2. However, when I A/B'ed the Weiss and an Audio Note DAC 3.x Signature in a high-end speaker rig the Weiss made me feel a bit more distanced from the sound, because it didn't highlight anything in particular in the recording. The Audio Note on the other hand brought out the midrange which gave that upfront and personal feeling that makes your foot tap. This is not to say that the Weiss didn't do this, only that the Audio Note enhanced the foot-tapping experience. I still believe that the Weiss was the most true-to-the-recording DAC of the two, but the Audio Note was arguably the most musical and fun.
Thanks for your reply, Icarium. I was looking for information just like this.
Thanks, I had already checked out the resources you linked. They contain a lot of great information. Sadly, listening side by side in my own setup will never happen. To my knowledge no one in Denmark has ever built a dynamight. I was hoping that someone from the US had had a chance to compare the two designs against each other and would chime in with their impressions regarding the two sound signatures. What I don't understand, however, is that a lot of people are quick to claim the higher output amp to be the better sounding option when in reality there have been no such comparisons? For the usage pattern that I detailed in my previous posts, which I'd think would apply to most head-fiers, there would be little to no incentive to go with the more powerful dynamight or balanced Beta 22 assuming the dynamid (or GS-X) has enough power surplus to handle regular phones at normal listening volumes. In this case, preference would then have to be based on sound signature, but with no such comparisons available it's hard to pick a winner.
Thanks, but I didn't ask which amp was supposed to be better. My question was: Thus, my question still stands unanswered. I think my question is relevant in the context of the thread topic, given that I'm asking if there's any difference in sound between the two SS designs mentioned above when ruling out the need to power hungry phones, small speakers or amping to ear-bleeding levels. However, if my question is totally OT, I apologize and humbly ask for a mod to kick this stuff into its own thread.
Since we're talking about designs and sound, will a dynamid driving eg. a pair of HD6x0 or HD800 at 65-70 dB (my normal listening level) sound any different compared to a dynamight? What about lower-impedance cans such as the L3000? I'm assuming both designs are well-implemented using decent components of similar quality and no "tweaks" applied, e.g. to boost bass. To put it another way: If I never listen at rock concert levels and don't have any hard-to-drive phones like K340/K1000/whatever, would I be able to tell any difference between the dynamid and dynamight? I'm already aware that Dreadhead hasn't been able to hear any difference between his GS-X and balanced Beta 22 at similar volume levels (67 dB). I don't know if he's ever had the chance to compare either amp to a dynamight, however.
I won't mod the stock cable of the HD800. I'll be attending the upcoming Danish head-fi meet in two months and I want people there to be able to experience what it sounds like with the stock cable. I'll wait and see how it sounds unbalanced out of the GS-X. Then I'll decide if it's worth it to get an aftermarket cable.
I wonder if the sources for the amps at the meet might've been inadequate or just poor matches, considering that the HD800 sounds very good in my rig, even when amped by the Pico. Next week I'll hopefully receive a Headamp GS-X. From what I've read, it has a very neutral and transparent character. I'm looking forward to hear what it can do when coupled with my Weiss DAC1-MK2 and HD800. Now I just need a balanced cable for the HD800. Unfortunately Alex seems pretty busy and a 6ft APS V3 cable w. Neutrik XLR connectors and super nylon sleeving would cost me $350, not including shipping and 25% VAT. Too bad that the amp purchase pretty much left me with no spare cash.
Odds are that you're familiar with *NIX if you find this one funny (it makes me smile):
I found my pair of HD800 bleh sounding out of the box. I put it back in the box and let it play pink noise at 90 dB(A) for several days, only interrupted by a few very short listening sessions (10-15 minutes) and two longer breaks where I had to power down the equipment. I found that the HD800 slowly improved until it had received a total of around 50 hours of pink noise. After that I didn't perceive further changes and after another day with no apparent changes I stopped the pink noise playback. It's been three weeks since I did the burn-in, so my memory is a bit blurred. I believe the changes I heard was mostly the bass becoming more apparent (but still less quantity than the HD650), the transient response improving somewhat and the upper-mids/low treble becoming more musical, for lack of a better word. I never put my impressions into words when I did the in-between burn-in listening sessions, so combined with the length of time since the burn-in it's quite possible that what I just described doesn't correspond with other people's impressions. I guess that was a long-winded way of saying YMMV.
Comparing my Stello DA220 MKII ($1600) vs my Weiss DAC1-MK2 ($6700) there was a large performance gap between the two. OTOH, comparing the Weiss to a Danish Audio Design DAC20 (expected retail price $5-6000) showed very little difference, in which case it's down to one's personal preferences, e.g. wider or narrower soundstage, slightly different tonality, build quality, features, etc. I'm guessing that even higher performance can be achieved by investing $10000+ (such as Playback Designs) but considering the pace that digital audio improves and new standards emerge I'll never go there.