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High Rollers
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Everything posted by diebenkorn

  1. Best Coast
  2. Thanks for the recommendations I did all that but I find it easier to use around 14 grams per shot (find 18 to be too much). I was using beans form Intellegentsia (awesome stuff) and Terroir but reading that your in the UK those dont mean dingos kidneys to you. I may break out the machine again and try again (cleaning the machine and the grinder aqfter the shot was always my kyrptonite) I ended up drinking more Turkish style anyway which I find to incredible and less hassle though you need a a grinder that will grind the beans fine enough.
  3. I have the Le'Lit and it is a good machine I could never get a really great cup consistently but I don't know if that was the machine (never tried any others) or my own shortcomings, lord knowz I tried and one day may try again. Those zassenhauses are great but I eventually went to the mazzer mini.
  4. Wolverines!
  5. He inhaled Five Guys?
  6. ftfy
  7. might make this one dont know yet
  9. 1 Gedlee Nathan speaker
  10. glad mine got forgotten :,(
  11. Happy Birthday
  12. get two, two tatas are always better than one
  13. some discs from the Dr.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va-MpUQyoQg&feature=PlayList&p=C6420A8E9EB7C59B&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=3 like this version better then the album and the singer is absolutely stunning in all ways.
  15. John Greenham Blog Archive Extensive A/D testing thought this might be of some interest
  16. the waiting is brutal.
  17. Me Tree, fucking awesome drummer!
  18. just checked this band out, great stuff. thanks.
  19. Thanks for this, I have some of these albums and it's a great deal.
  20. Happy Birthday
  21. Novax, nice!
  22. bet he doesn't have this one
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