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High Rollers
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Everything posted by diebenkorn

  1. AudiogoN ForSale: AMR CD-77.
  2. I had a Nak and big shocker, it broke.
  3. They block inside noise as well.
  4. Not to hijack but just found out a couple of days ago David Foster Wallace hung himself. That one hit me like a ton of bricks, a very sad day.
  5. Happy Birthday Deepak
  6. Paul Auster New York Trilogy
  7. If you get a chance go down to Salem Valley Farms ( a trek but nice ride) the ice cream there is incredible.
  8. Ouch, that place is depressing my ex gf (friend) is from there.
  9. Hope House is not listening to his Bose...
  10. No Reservations
  11. Do they blow up the sharks?
  12. What do I like? What do I like to listen to? What are my personal prefernces as far as sound is concerned?
  13. AudiogoN ForSale: Topaz Ultra Isolator. You should get one of these
  14. diebenkorn


    There is a pair on Hf right now for sale.
  15. Happy burthday.
  16. Can't go wrong with unspecified fluids.
  17. If you look at the guy in the middle his jacket is very bright next and more "detailed" (almost cut out like) then the two other people's jackets in back (they look like they are in a shot with the same light source and the man in the middle is in a different light source) I can not with certainty tell you if this is fake or not just my opinion.
  18. I wish I knew you were looking for them I had a pair that I was looking to sell (already sold) and I am an hour away from you. Though my asking price would have been around 5 so you got the better deal anyway.
  19. Thanks, sorry but what is max, 8 or zero or is it the word max which i don't see?
  20. What encoder setting do you use for Flac on Max?
  21. Used to be. Still have cdt/image dynamics/kenwood in my car but with all the soundproofing a car needs and other things rather put time/money elsewhere. After listening to my headphone setup I went in my car and realized it need some work! Beautiful work on your truck. How does it sound?
  22. If this guy does not buy mine (will give him a few more weeks) you can borrow mine. It is only a stax mk 1/2 amp with lambda sigs will also send lambda pros. It's not an bhse and omega but it still sounds great.
  23. banned.
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