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High Rollers
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Everything posted by diebenkorn

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. Mazltov tsu dayn geboyrn-tog!
  3. Do you get 150% if you use play them on two turntables at once?
  4. and it begins....
  5. Those doors look like they need some 10's in them.
  6. Happy Birthday Zach
  7. Dale's Pale Ale
  8. definitely worth it.
  9. So long and thanks for all the headphones!
  10. Algorithmically speaking which algorithm is best for people who want to not answer questions posited by someone who can understand that certain forums will not answer their questions even though they are persistent and keep asking questions that people are not answering?
  11. a toyota transmission and will soon be acquiring a 8th gen civic or accord.
  12. can't they just pour hot wax in your ears?
  13. Happy Burthday Colin!
  14. Happy Birthday
  15. That song is awful but I will take that over having to listen to soul sister every day at least once and lots of songs with slide guitars, I think Walken should do a I need more slide guitars skit. Sorry to hear that Vicki, people don't understand that some music can cause true agony. Don't understand why everybody makes such a fuss over the brown note when many of these songs want to make people disembowel others and themselves
  16. My god man didn't you see the warning.
  17. I listened to this on my home system and the whole interview had a scarily centered image, anyone else experience this?
  18. who is he playing with?
  19. Thank you guys/gal!
  20. Closest listing is the Brooklyn Masonic Temple (another one in the city as well) never heard of this place but with reviews like these "I'm not even an audiophile - as long as I can make out the music and see the band - I'm happy. This place sounded like people were singing into garbage cans." The other is at the Church of St Paul the Apostle in Nyc http://www.stpaultheapostle.org/ maybe the church heard that they had god in their name and said sure come and play!
  21. Hope you enjoy it!
  22. Hey, in the upcoming battle vs the meat and vegetables, you will be ready.
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