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High Rollers
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Everything posted by diebenkorn

  1. I had five guys last night , their fries are awesome.
  2. about this kind of dac (NOS), sorry for the miscommunication.
  3. I bought a NOS dac (audiosector/audio zone) and love the sound and am wondering about these (audial see below) or other higher end NOS dac's. I know the arguments against these (noisy, no resolution etc) not interested in a debate. Any help with these dacs would be appreciated. Audial :: High Quality Audio Equipment
  4. Tony Bennett and Bill Evans. Nice way to start off the morning.
  5. I love my esw9's out of my D2.
  6. Can you describe these two (I have been there quite a few times) I want to see if I am correct on who was who.
  7. ATH-ESW9. Sound great through my D2
  8. Happy Birthday Nate
  9. White gold eh? mountains of white gold?
  10. Thanks I will check that podcast out These are two radio stations I have been listening to Ambient Internet Radio MajorUrsa Playlist BLUEMARS - Music for the Space Traveller
  11. My phases usually last months sometimes longer. Day-today is fine, I was thinking longer but doesn't matter.
  12. I just finished a prog rock phase now moving into ambient phase. Still trying to figure out what I like (thank you internet radio!) but namlook, aphex twin, loscil, monolake, spacetime contiuum, ishq and biosphere have caught my attention.
  13. Happy Birthday.
  14. I was reading a lively thread on HF (something about rudi and a new amp) and realized that my knowledge of measurements and most things to do with engineering is sorely lacking. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about learning about the engineering aspects of amps,etc (ie good design). I am mainly looking for a basic understanding to become a better consumer (or be less of an idiot). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  15. and Louis is a fantastic guy to deal with.
  16. Mmm hmm. I like them French fried potaters. Mmm hmm.
  17. Been watching more episodes on Hulu and am getting used to her. Amazing how different I find her from you guys I find her boring, cardboard, acting is painful, capable I can see that and unusual yes. As an understated female lead it is certainly an interesting twist on the usual female lead. Though now that I think about almost every female lead role I see is pretty awful (except for Scully and I am sure there are others) so I can see your reasoning.
  18. Why(earnestly)?
  19. Happy Birthday.
  20. You West Virginians sure are strange.
  21. I couldn't get past doucheku and having the same problem with fringe (which I like), the woman in that is awful and ruins the whole show for me.
  22. FS: AUDIOSECTOR NOS DAC Curious to hear how this sounds.
  23. Happy Birthday.
  24. Went through a dead phase where I was listening to them all the time. Early dead to mid 70's dead is what I am interested in. Listen to them occasionaly now.
  25. Happy Birthday
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