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High Rollers
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Everything posted by diebenkorn

  1. Bully :0 I hope thinking bad thoughts becomes illegal next.
  2. Happy Birthday Ari
  3. Happy Happy
  4. Like the Chorus of a million angels.
  5. Naked Wizard | Three Floyds Brewing | 3Floyds.com
  6. Used DK mk2 integrated amp, now being sent to John Tucker for upgrades. Yay.
  7. I have a guy (overseas, who has good feedback) interested in buying my cd player from agon. I was wondering if anyone has used this or knows anything about it http://escrow.com/ Thanks
  8. I enjoy fried chicken and the last time I went to KFC it was gross. Way too greasy, not worth it just go out and buy one of those vats, fill with boiling oil and drop a live chicken in it. Don't forget to inject the chicken with some cheese before hand.
  9. "Rooted in the same "build-it-from-scratch" philosophy that made his first book, The Voice of the Crystal, a success, Instruments of Amplification reduces complex devices to their essential elements and then shows how they can be constructed from commonly available materials" The Dark Crystal?
  10. What amp/s are you driving them with?
  11. Going to visit the Shahinian factory for a listen and going to check out some Harbeth's as well.
  12. Did the first (new pads) afaik did not work, the pain seems to come from the pressure of hd's. I am a prime candidate for tmj teeth grinder, car accident, pinched nerve in neck, tension in my jaw, tendonitis. But I am going to go back to the ENT to again, thanks for our help everyone.
  13. (Puts down crack pipe) alcohol? (hmm).
  14. Here's to birthdays and left hand turns.
  15. I have been having pain in my left ear, I went to the Dr. and he said my ear was inflammed and gave me antibiotics. I stopped wearing headphones for a few weeks and my ear felt better. Yesterday I put my favorite headphones on (HD 600) and my ear began to hurt again. The pain is located around the tragus (towards nose not canal) it started with sensitivity to volume and higher pitches now it is just a pain relating to pressure from the headphones. The pain eventually goes away my concern is for the long term and am wondering the best way to proceed is (no more hd 600's oddly enough have read of 3 accounts incredibly similar to mine, moving towards speakers anyway . Any help would be appreciated. If this was not clear let me know and I will try to clarify things.
  16. Wristcutters, really great movie and soundtrack.
  17. audio zone dac
  18. Would they be Bjorkin?
  19. 160 gb ipood
  20. X to the 2
  21. I don't know what you guys are talking about this is the best amp ever, EVER!!!!!!!!! (aaaaaaargh)
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