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High Rollers
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Everything posted by diebenkorn

  1. Tried both but manually maybe a solution. Does the gift option really wave fees?
  2. I am trying to pay for something and I enter the persons email address and then it red it says Email Address: Please enter a valid address in the format [email protected]. Ok this happened to me 3 days ago with someone else who also has a valid email address and after 2 days of trying it magically went through (this person is a verified member of paypal). Now it is happening again and customer service is no help. Any thoughts? Should I ask the person to request the money from me? the person I am buying from sent me another address to use and that did not work either!
  3. he even slows down at the end, ridiculous
  4. Mine did (some, some...), def not Pollock looks contemporary. I can't identify it doesnt look like anyone famous. Pretty sure not Twombly a little too centered (more graphic may not even be a painting just some graphic design).
  5. That cat is good but Danny Bondeusche doesnt even move has fingers too make teh notes!
  6. Happy Birthday
  7. Takashi: Revenge of the Nerds Tricycle Race on Yahoo! Video Go Takashi Go! Love that song at the end...
  8. Just skipped right over Blue Steel.
  9. that parasound is sold, did you get it? Shipping to the US was 350 euros (ouch).
  10. AudiogoN ForSale: Nakamichi 1000p top-of-the-line
  11. Happy Birthday
  12. wont be throwing any dice along the wharf.
  13. named Lefty.
  14. Tell Julio I wiil have the one armed dwarf.
  15. Spring Air > > Englisch > DA-Converters > Parasound DAC-1600 HD I tried contacted them (no response) and they have no options for the United States when registering. Good luck.
  16. Happy Birthday.
  17. Monarchy M24 Dac!
  18. The Heads ? Discover music, videos, concerts, & pictures at Last.fm the 2nd band (album under the stress)
  19. He even had some descriptions as to the sound/s he is look for (quite refreshing).
  20. or record labels.
  21. Terrible name for a new thread (open to change). Bands you are dicovering new or old. For me its The Heads, Pharaoh Overlord and Stinking Lizaveta.
  22. Or using Mean Well Products in his amplifiers.
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