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About pdennis

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Can someone tell me what the component on the bottom of this SRD-7 mk II schematic is? The one marked NL? http://www.head-case.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=670&g2_serialNumber=1&g2_GALLERYSID=c283a489e2ba5798b80e3a0eca28f0da Thanks! EDIT: N/M, it's the light, isn't it...
  2. No! No fun for you! If your music isn't 100% authentic, organic, free range and kosher, your feelings of guilt MUST outweigh your enjoyment!
  3. Best worst song evah!
  4. pdennis

    flaming lips

    I would argue that In A Priest Driven Ambulance sounds awful, in a GREAT low-fi kinda way.
  5. I think you've got a good point. I can't really imagine somebody thinking, "Gee, I'd like to get into jazz... I wonder what 100 albums I can buy to start with." And anyone with their own musical taste who started with a few albums off that list would quickly be able to explore on their own and not need it anymore. I don't see how this has to do with jazz, or any other specific genre... just with journalism, and the strange but prevalent phenomenon of relying on somebody else to tell you what's good. We've all done it/do it. *googles Putomayo collection* Hmm, a whole label devoted to compilation CDs... some of which seem to be as broad as '10 commercial dance music tracks from Africa'. I guess it's cool that they have nice long samples to listen to, and some excellent bands. Virtually no folkloric or acoustic music though, all contemporary hybrid styles, making the differences between the regional musics rather watered down.
  6. You're not really sorry! I'll say. This place practically IS the Stax thread. It's like Valhalla or something. Thanks, that helps.
  7. Lo and behold! Another headphone forum? Another Stax thread? You guys are blowing my mind. Just discovered HC while searching for more information on the SRD-7 pro bias conversion. The SRD-7 MK/II schematic was posted here some time ago -- thanks Spritzer! -- but I was wondering if anyone has the standard SRD-7 schematic to compare it to? I'm frankly out of my depth, but am trying to learn some circuit basics so that I can manage this (and another audio project or two I have in mind for the summer). I'd like to see the SRD-7 schematic to make sure that I don't need to make any other changes.
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