I've yet to install it as the current version is working fine for me. Hell, I'm too lazy to make a nice UI, I keep saying i'm going to but it never happens....
Whats a bigger psychological disorder? Living with someone who has incompatable parts or believing in the boogey man? - M1ster_R0gers
[me=Vertigo]dons flamesuit[/me]
The problem is that since vBull forums are database backed, archive.org isn't actaully going to be grabbing the contents of posts. It will get showthread.php, not the actual post
Temporary (shitty-ass looking) stats at http://vertigoacid.com/ircstats/, loggy is our stats bot now. just trying a few things out, I like loggy but I hope that pisg or something nice looking will be able to render the stats
Seems a bit more common in the audio world than elsewhere in the trading universe. I'm against it because if paypal catches you (read: if you get reported) they'll warn you, then shutdown your account, as it's against the Paypal terms of service to charge extra to accept it. Discuss
I use an APC SmartUPS 1400 for power condition, and, while I haven't ABX'ed it yet, I do notice stonger bass on my shitty speakers now that I threw my receiver on it