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Everything posted by complin

  1. Listening is Subjective (Personal opinion) Measuring is Objective (Standard units of measure) Just like motherhood and apple pie
  2. So what in your opinion would be "just the right amplification" for the T1's?
  3. Wasn't the DT-48 developed for use out in the field in very poor conditions? Primarily for monitoring voice and other general sounds for radio and film on portable analogue tape recorders? They are pretty indestructible, even the diaphragms are aluminium. I don't think they were really intended for high quality monitoring in a studio or music for that matter.
  4. Here are the specs Seems to be a pre-amp as well as a headphone/speaker amp! Probably hellish expensive too!!! "Also in RKV Mark 3 is a fully automatic biasing servo controller to use. In our new approach we have chosen a OPA134." FEARTURES: consequence double mono design 2 * 0,15mm copper for top and bottom layer multi VIA layer grounding basis, pcb design is based on the theoretical principles of the "kelvin - wiring" heavy 3 mm laser cuted steel case - couted clipping indicator ( show you faulty tube or overload ) 8 power tubes ( 4 per channel ) - PCL805 full automatic DC / AC servo biasing multi match transfomers ( PIKATRON ) included power output mode selector - OTL / match - transfomers ALPS volume control BALANCE pot. +/- 3dB - 2 * NEUTRIK output combi headphone jackets - 6,3mm & XLR 5 * inputs; 2 * RCA & XLR; 2 * RCA only; 1* RCA phono MM out 1 * RCA - REC output, offer all connected soures and PHONO too for sec. line ( pre ) amps 1 * pair XLR jackets for "power out" for power amps ( OTL output ratio: 10:1 ) 4 * isolated heavy gold plated stereo speaker terminals - green illuminated main power switch for power ON mode heating and plate voltage "soft start" circuit headphone protector circuit reversible heating / plate current limiter installed OPA 134 highly accurate implementated stereo MM phono modul - "old school design" OPTIONS: 1 - case color: standard - black or silver - 2 - "limited EDITION ivory white colored case" - hand selected parts < 1% tolerances and a lot of more expensive specails BASIC SPECS: power consumption: 120 watt weight: 10 kg size: 400*340*150mm SPECS: OTL mode: power output: 5,8 watt - 220 ohm load - ( 1% THD ) max. output voltage 100 VAC / 2kohms load bandwide: 10 - 150.000 hz ( 100 ohms ) Ri: 0.01 ohm THD: configure - LM 351 - 3V - 1 kHz 100 ohm load 0,014% THD: configure - LM 351 - 3V - 10 kHz 100 ohm load 0,014% ......................................................................... THD: configure - OPA134 - 3V - 1 kHz 100 ohm load 0,008% THD: configure - OPA134 - 1V - 10 kHz 100 ohm load 0,018% Gain: 23 dB s/n - ratio: 100 dB SPECS: match - transformer mode: ( impedancer ) THD: configure - OPA134 / 1 kHz / 8 ohm load 0.1 VAC - 0.015% 0.3 VAC - 0.015% 0.6 VAC - 0.02% 1.5 VAC - 0.1% 3.0 VAC - 0.3% all other higher impedances have a more and more lower THD match transformer supported impedances: 8 > 16 > 32 > 64 > 128 ohms load SPECS: MM phono - section: output impedance: 450 ohm input impedance: 47 kOhm RIAA accuracy: (Referenz - 0,000dB - 1Khz: 100Hz - 0,07dB 10.000Hz - 0,04dB 20.000Hz - 0,02dB 30.000Hz - 0,02dB noise: -74dB distortion: 0,015% ( 1V rms output signal ) gain: 46dB
  5. Yeh the HD 600's are a bit livelier than the HD650's and for me have a good overall balance for a dynamic. I like the DT880's as they are a bit more refined and airier at the top end but not so much bass impact. It comes down to personal preference, The other dynamic I rate against the sennheisers are the ERGO model 2's. very similar sound signature but different presentation, similar to the Jecklin electrostat. I'm not sure if these get exported to the US or that matter much outside Europe, but if you get the chance certainly worth a listen.
  6. You mean needs the touch of Yodah! Its not soldered but laser lanced
  7. When this stuff gets hot it hardens and cracks. When really bad just falls off exposing the bare wire.
  8. So those poor sods outside the US who have bought Cavalli amps are really going to be ecstatic. The cost and time to ship it back half way across the world will be real fun. They have some dealers too so do the dealers ship everything to Cavalli rather than repair in house? Posted 16 October 2013 - 11:02 PM kevin gilmore, on 16 Oct 2013 - 10:54 PM, said: Quote
  9. Its called marketing, and according to the latest marketing on the site apparently "Liquid Lightning Some Call It the Best Electrostatic Amplifier in Production"
  10. Cavalli prototype tube stat amp CANJAM 2013
  11. Apparently there is a portable amp under development
  12. Well I thought they already had a top designer in house? I seem to remember his name is something like Alex Cavalli?
  13. You really need to listen to a set of these, the ERGO model 2's. IMHO quite competitive to the HD600/650's
  14. I would agree However; I would not call the BHSE bling as such, as it uses uses materials in a way which makes it look solid, well finished, there has been considerable thought given to to overall design and attention to detail. The EAR HP4 is much more "Blingy" with all the polished chrome and gold plated knobs
  15. Well as they say "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Personally I thinks its butt ugly given it costs $5,000. Would not get SWMBO approval in most houses Perhaps a perforated metal cage over the top to cover it up like a power amp might be an improvement?
  16. Agree; but that should not mean you have sacrifice this for aesthetics. Good "industrial" design can be very attractive indeed
  17. You have to consider Head-Fi as a any other commercial site now due to the various commercial interests. It will act to protect those interests and sponsors so free open discussion is no longer possible like here. There was a similar suppression of problems with some shitt amplifiers a while ago where known problems were deleted and members exposing the situation were banned.
  18. Yeh a few dry joints make a vast improvement
  19. All the heavy stuff on the left. Might prove a little unstable depending on its centre of gravity? Personally I prefer a more symmetrical layout
  20. Personally i've found the 009 much more sensative to the quality of the source than the amplifier. The Omega and 007 needs oodles of power as we all know to really come to life. Many of the hyper detailed DAC's tend to exagerate the the 9's top end which can make them sound a bit relentless over an hour or so. I still love my 007 Mk1's but the 9's just dig up even more nuances from within the timbre of the intruments, which is particularly noticable when listening to high rez. The texture in the bass is simply amazing.
  21. New electrostatic amp from Poland Eurydice – Stereophonic tube amp dedicated to electrostatic high-class headphones Works with headphones: STAX PRO (580V bias polar.) Sennheiser HE 90 (Orpheus) (500 V bias polar.) Transmission band: 5 Hz-55 khz Inputs: 2 switched RCA (XLR for special order) Output voltage: 800V ss Used tubes: 6SL7 (ECC 83 for special order), PL 841, 5W4. Input sensitivity: 500 mV THD unlinear distortions: <0,5% dla 100V ss, <5% dla 800V ss Signal to noise ratio: 86 dB Input impedance: 50 kohm Maximal power consumption: 140 W Weight: 12 kg. Dimensions: 31 x 34 x 21cm (Width/Depth/Height) EUR 2.338,05 http://en.dubieltubeamps.pl/102/eurydice-stereophonic-tube-amp-dedicated-to-electrostatic-high-class-headphones/
  22. Presume its an active rather than passive equaliser? Do you find it lowers the overall sound quality a little with all that additional electronics in the way?
  23. I've had my 800's getting on for a couple of years now. I have found them the most difficult and problematic headphone I have ever owned and have forced me to keep re-evaluating my source (DAC) and amplifier to a point where their undoubted qualities can be enjoyed. I have recently moved them to balanced drive and this has given them much greater frequency extension, particularly the bass, greater overall body and a much more coherent sound stage. I think they were just made for balanced drive which is presumably why both of Sennheisers amplifiers for the HD800 are balanced. I have found them VERY amp picky and we have lots of theories about this, but so far I don't think we fully understand their ideal requirements. Tyll loves the single ended EPC audio L-2 pairing and I would love to hear this and compare it with my current favourite the Headroom BUDA, but this is not likely to happen anytime soon, unless Tyll decides to make the comparison for himself.
  24. Not anything to do with the first three letters being KGBH Hybrid amplifier for electrostatic headphones Kevin Gilmore Must be sponsored by the Russian government Looks 80's retro with all that wood but construction looks good but no pricing
  25. I have spent more time and money on trying to make the HD800 listenable than would normally be justified only because it has such potential. Unfortunately I've not, or likely to have the opportunity to listen to your L-2, but it must be pretty damn good given Tyll's comments. However; I do have a feeling the HD800 really performs at its best when driven balanced. Is there any possibility of you developing a balanced version of the L-2? &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;
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