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Everything posted by HDen

  1. Alright, well I'm glad to hear it's a good system... never been into speakers before so I wasn't sure. I sent the offer, now I have to wait and see
  2. Hello all, for a long time I've been looking into speakers for the living room. The living room(it's a living room/dining room) is 14'x27'x8'(WxLxH), the sofa is placed 12ft from the wall. I've been looking at getting these; Magnepan MMG For Sale | AudiogoN I don't have any amplifiers so recommendations for one would be nice. I have been thinking about the Emotiva XPA-2. I'd be happy to hear any other recommendations, the budget for the speakers is of ~$1000, although I can stretch it a little bit but I would prefer not to so I can get the other components. Thanks.
  3. yeah you have to put them in the little plastic bag and get them weighted(this was the long queue), then you can go and pay for them at the regular checkout
  4. Finding the Fever Tree Tonic was very nice, finally I can try Hendricks GnT, they also had regular lemons but the queue was too long for that
  5. Well that is very interesting, especially since the Valhalla has a very accessible price. Looks like you guys had a great time!
  6. Ah so you're a collector then, you'll probably get it either way then, I would however still wait, unless it's a limited edition boxset
  7. Hmmm... might be best to wait then and get some final details, see if the video is at least properly done, I love Lain, but if it's just going to be a half-assed job then it's not worth getting imo
  8. Would that be a true remastered 1080p/720p or just an upscale? I saw this but I read it's stereo and it might not be truehd...
  9. Probably easier to download the eps from somewhere else, it's not a very good start though...
  10. HDen

    Audeze LCD-2

    If you noticed the same with the gsx, then that could be the problem, I have the 1st version of the neko
  11. HDen

    Audeze LCD-2

    Picked up my LCD2 earlier today, the cables are fine for me(comfort wise), the headphones themselves are heavy though. Running them through the Neko>Glite, I feel like they might benefit from a 'stronger' amp, when listening to Irma Thomas and Marvin Gaye, I had to put up the volume at almost 1 o'clock. Currently listening to Cesaria Evora(Miss Perfumado), 12 o'clock seems to work well, however it still feels a bit loud. Other than that, the soundstage and details are great. I was using some D5000 before this, so I'm hearing quite a few details with a nice bass that I was not able to hear previously. I'm getting my mother make a little leather wrap thing for the headband, I don't think this foam will last very long, especially in a hot climate.
  12. HDen

    slow forum

    Who knew? Russian president Medvedev has a kick-ass stereo rig | DVICE
  13. Saw eps 1 of Brew Masters
  14. HDen

    slow forum

    haha, this one took me a bit to get it
  15. Just finished watching the Pacquiao-Margarito fight, another great fight
  16. Happy Birthday Mr. Monkey, you're reviews have been extremely useful to many people, thank you for your contributions, and have fun on your special day!
  17. HDen


    Looks like there won't be a second season for this Rubicon Canceled by AMC
  18. HDen

    Audeze LCD-2

    From what my friend has told me the lcd-2 with the glite/dps does very well. It does however look like it might benefit a bit from a more "powerful" amp, the glite does however do a good job. I think emelius and asr have tried it with a glite too. I also can't wait to try them out
  19. Very nice photos, must be great visiting all those places. I love the 'Night and Day' one
  20. Did you get it when the coupon was still valid? That coupon code stopped working pretty early in the day
  21. HDen

    Audeze LCD-2

    Just got mine, currently they're in NY with a mate, here's the graph if anyone is interested
  22. HDen

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    Watched it last night, I think it makes a nice replacement to Rubicon. Very fun to watch.
  23. HDen

    Audeze LCD-2

    Just placed my order from the "it's your turn" notice I got from Audeze, can't wait to try them out. I'll be using them with a Neko D100 and Gilmore Lite w/DPS.
  24. HDen

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    Saw the trailer and the pre-air eps1, it's pretty good.
  25. Enjoy that rum edit: I see from the drink thread you already are!
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