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High Rollers
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Everything posted by HDen

  1. I'd keep the walnut finish
  2. Thanks for all the photos!
  3. Did not know about this, thanks for mentioning it! edit: damn, $1500...
  4. A good mousepad comes in handy too, fabric or solid, both work well.
  5. Logitech MX518, Logitech G500, some of the microsoft mice are really good too. Also if he wants gaming, it needs to be wired.
  6. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/227411/20111007/steve-jobs-biography-movie-death-dead-adaptation-walter-isaacson-sony-marc-gordon-moneyball-the-soci.htm They didn't waste any time...
  7. haha my bad Currently having a Pink Gin, with Beefeater Gin, this gin isn't too bad.
  8. The Chimay Grande Reserve (blue) is one of my favourite beers, definately worth a try if you haven't had it before.
  9. I'm not sure if I love your photographs more or your drinks
  10. http://www.engadget.com/2011/09/28/ifixit-busts-apples-thunderbolt-display-wide-open-no-creamy-ce/ Most already knew this, but it might be a good read to others, especially the 'source link' http://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Apple-Thunderbolt-Display-Teardown/6525/1
  11. Great article Mr.Tyll, by the way, you have to love some of the (few) comments that have been posted
  12. Based on what you're saying, why not create a local SVN repository?
  13. Needs to learn from this guy:
  14. For UK people: http://www.hyperoptic.com/web/guest/home
  15. I guess a few people will be talking about this...
  16. I have the i1Display2, it works nicely, but I've read that it doesn't work that well with some monitors, before buying any calibration device, research and make sure that you have a good monitor and that whatever calibration device you're buying works properly with it.
  17. For you Sous-Vide fellas; http://www.flickr.com/photos/ulteriorepicure/5305943594/in/photostream/
  18. cetoole what did you put on your duck breast? and Mr.VPI, again... did you use anything else other than salt&pepper on your steak? Those dishes look gorgeous!
  19. The main problem with credit cards, is that anyone who gets your cc number and any extra relevant information(sometimes not even necessary) can order/attempt to order anything off the internet. This is the main reason why I use a prepaid credit card, it may sound stupid to some, but it works very well to prevent fraud and identity theft.
  20. What did you put on the steak? Just salt and pepper? I'm curious because want to try new ingredients with my steaks
  21. http://www.nyc.gov/html/oem/downloads/pdf/hurricane_map_english.pdf
  22. Congratulations blessingx!
  23. HDen


    32GB model is in stock at HP small business http://h10010.www1.h...Pad_models.html Like Edipis said though, they'll be back. edit: http://gifts.barnesandnoble.com/HP-TouchPad-Tablet-with-16GB-Memory-WiFi-12GHz-Black/e/886111788637?itm=1&usri=hp%2Btouchpad $101.95
  24. It's a very fun game, kinda short, but there's a New Game + mode that's pretty fun.
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