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High Rollers
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Everything posted by HDen

  1. Happy birthday blessingx! Any special movie plans?
  2. HDen

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to everyone, just had my Midnight Mass dinner, I don't know why people hate this season! Happy Holidays everyone!
  3. HDen


    GOG.com has Empire Earth Gold for free http://www.gog.com/en/news/get_empire_earth_gold_edition_free
  4. This thread is on my "do-not-watch-when-drinking" list
  5. That really is the best setup imo, I also run a NAS with 64bit Win7, but since it's a pure-server, I went the Atom route. Big energy savings. The i5 is also pretty energy efficient.
  6. HDen


    Thanks, I've been meaning to buy some. Ordered 3 sets.
  7. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13924_3-57329257-64/production-starts-for-ipad-3-qxga-display-analyst/
  8. Everything in that picture looks so nice, love those coasters too!
  9. Thanks for the impressions, I've been looking at the Arete as well, I think it would go nicely with the Neko.
  10. NetLimiter 2, DU Meter
  11. That is tempting, I got a 128GB M4 a while back and the 256GB was almost at $450!
  12. Corsair Force Series are great and not terribly expensive. I agree with Iron_Dreamer, If you can spend a bit more money get Crucial or Intel.
  13. there a lots of ways to watch any bbc content as soon as it comes out, send me a PM
  14. this will help a lot if you've not done so before. also try reseating the video card. This is either a driver issue or a setting/driver issue.
  15. Beautiful, congratulations!
  16. Damn I hate limits, I'd rather take a slower isp than one that limits...
  17. mouse acceleration? disable vsync in games?
  18. Agree with the Hendrick's. Be sure to try a Pink Gin using Hendrick's(I prefer it with Tanqueray but with Hendrick's it has a nice/interesting taste) and of course a Gin and Tonic using cucumber slices and Fever Tree tonic. Currently having a White Lady.
  19. I'd be interested.
  20. What year was this? 3 schools is the minimum using that OUAC system, if you want more you have to pay an extra fee per university/college.
  21. That is Aleppo, Syria. The fortress in the center is called The Citadel of Aleppo.
  22. HDen

    Battlefield 3

    FRAPS, some video games have a console though
  23. http://www.whiskybible.com/2011news.htm Anybody tried the "Old Pulteney"?
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