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Everything posted by HDen

  1. I was also wondering about this "companion" amp for the jh13, seems like marketing to be honest, guess we'll know after canjam
  2. Well the D2000 I had never had falling cup problem, not sure if they used a different screw, but I've had this issue many times with the D5000, some people even replaced their screws. And yes the build quality for both isn't that great but one costs around ~$200 less than the other.
  3. I had the D2000 for a good while, they're well built (imo better than the D5000...) I didn't really use the for gaming much, however I do use the D5000 for gaming, they work very well, you can hear all ambient sounds properly, in stealth games you can easily hear footsteps or when you kick a can or w/e. Battlefield games work great as well, sometimes the bass is a bit too strong but other than that they're good. Also they are very comfortable headphones. P.S. oh and be sure to read that first msg you get when you join
  4. Which DAC is it? The qb-9?
  5. Anybody see this, 6moons audio reviews: Wyred4Sound DAC2
  6. yeah somewhat, he's mentioned but barely, it's an entertaining watch
  7. Ancient Aliens ep01
  8. think I might wait a bit and get a KGSS in the mean time...anybody selling theirs? Maybe some good deal will show up, plus new impressions from people.
  9. Yeah I just want a DAC that I can use with my computer and then hook up to an amp, that's it, no need for touch screens, remotes, networking capabilities or any of that stuff, seems like all those features just help raise the price
  10. yeah that's one thing I don't really like about the Ayre(not like I own it but still...), only usb input, couldn't they go an extra step and add a toslink/spdif? Computers also have those connections, so no reason not to add them... I looked at the PWD, it seems good but I'm not crazy about that touch screen, I've not read any comparison between that and the QB-9 either, does anyone know how they match-up?
  11. yep! I guess if someone sells a used one I could get that instead as mentioned above. I've been looking for a good dac for awhile now, either spdif or usb or both, around ~$2k but I can go up a bit. Anybody have any suggestions? It's to go with a KGSS.
  12. This kinda sucks for people living outside the u.s. but oh well, maybe in the future there will be a dealer that can sell them online, or I'll have to go with something else instead...
  13. This question might sound a bit silly, but is there anywhere to purchase this online or do they only sell through local distributors?
  14. HDen

    New Denon Cans

    swt61, would you be interested in "re-cuping" my d5000s?
  15. maybe we'll see some cheaper DAC64s on sale
  16. HDen

    New Denon Cans

    I hope they're built better than the D5000's, I'm getting pretty pissed off at mine
  17. HDen

    Diablo 3

    I think it looks a bit too much like Warcraft, but I'm still very hyped over this release. I wonder if there's going to be any other new character classes.
  18. "ATTENTION: A Spanish Buyer will get a 3000 USD discount if the spanish football team will win the UEFA EURO 2008 CUP!" <-- haha what a good sport
  19. better start saving
  20. kielbasa sausage
  21. I have to say I've been lurking around this forum about 2 months or so and recently joined. I find that here I can get a true honest straight-to-the-point opinion, and feedback about various different gear.
  22. Just ordered my monthly music, Yasmin Levy - Mano Suave Husky Rescue - Country Falls Karen Dalton - In my own time Karen Dalton - It's so hard to tell who's going to love you the best Alfonso X el Sabio - Cantigas de Santa Maria Tina Dico - Count to Ten Sia - Some people have real problems
  23. yeah and let's not mention hd-bits (although not music)...
  24. flac takes up a lot of space, when I started downloading and ripping flac, I quickly lost about 500GB of space within a few months.. Duggeh you can go to piratebay and look for 'tqmp', they are properly ripped and tagged albums, it is a shame that oink died was a very good site. There are 2 others but I don't remember them atm...
  25. has anybody heard the Lessloss DAC? It's being popping up a lot lately, and I've yet to see someone give any impressions regarding it.
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