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High Rollers
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Everything posted by HDen

  1. HDen

    Covert Affair

    I have to say I found the first eps pretty silly and with a very weak plot, it's another of the many cop shows this season
  2. The Private Life of Chickens, very fun to watch. I now respect chickens more.
  3. *whistles* nice indeed
  4. ah ic, shorter and fatter could be the minis, the robustos are around 4inches and something, well they're great anyways, it's a nice gift receive too!
  5. Are those Robustos? I've had Cohiba before, but the regular Club ones, maybe I should try another/different one it's been a while.
  6. That sounds like quite a setup, any pictures to satisfy the thirst?
  7. watching it too
  8. I used to have Kaspersky but after testing a few keyloggers, virii, I tried Eset nod64, unfortunately it didn't catch all of the "programs" I tried with, in the end I ended up with Avira Anti-Virus, which is imo the best anti-vir out there. Of course if you already have spyware on your computer it will take a bit more to remove it...
  9. God, that looks delicious, I can see myself taking my time eating that
  10. History Detectives S08E04, can't believe they actually found the mouth from the first Andrew Jackson statue on the U.S.S. Constitution
  11. I think what you should do is ignore that review you pasted and try to find other information about the amp or another review.
  12. Inside Secret Government Warehouses: Shocking Revelations
  13. Happiness is a warm TV - Coming soon: "Treme" soundtrack | newsobserver.com blogs I'm also waiting for this, in the mean time, just getting the track names by googling
  14. yep, didn't like the refereeing much, but oh well maybe next cup they'll finally implement video tech
  15. damn, this has an upgrade? Did they tell you parts they change exactly? With your stax headphones, does it sound too analytical/bland compared with your other dacs?
  16. Hey if you enjoy it, nothing to be sad about, just sit back, relax, and enjoy
  17. I also wonder if the people that posted "great review", "thanks for your review" actually read it...
  18. I've used audiocubes2 before, didn't have any issues, only complain I hear is that they tend to be more expensive than other places.
  19. From what I heard, but nowadays with 20mbps so easily available in many places, I don't think people care much anymore
  20. no access to that forum, you can remove my post
  21. There's a used QB-9 up on audiogon, if anyone is interested...
  22. giving Breaking Bad a go
  23. this would be great, an affordable stat amp that's well built and is actually decent.
  24. Is it me does it look like some type of glue was used? Very nice work nonetheless
  25. I'll give it a shot, but I read the summary so I know it's not similar to the Bourne movies.
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