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Everything posted by HDen

  1. HDen


    Watched the 1st eps a few months back, looked very interesting, going to watch eps2 sometime this week
  2. Looks very interesting, I like that it doesn't only have usb input too, might make a nice dac for the desktop setup... and it's well priced
  3. Speaking of Rubicon, 2nd eps came out, the 1st one was nice, I hope it keeps up
  4. Episode 2, airs today
  5. HDen

    Audeze LCD-2

    Best thing to do is ignore most of the things you read over at h-f sadly... otherwise you'll pop a vein
  6. Been watching My Boys for the past few weeks, dumb show but I keep watching it
  7. HDen

    slow forum

  8. My computer is kinda outdated, but I've got a Q6600 and an ATI 4890, I've been able to run all games on highest settings except for Metro 2033, If you were to get something to similar to my setup it'd be pretty cheap nowadays
  9. Vertigo was the same, but Rear Window was better imo
  10. I remember watching that movie a while ago, was on the edge of my seat throughout the whole movie
  11. Nice, I've been trying to get one or the 1600HD, haven't been able to twice now, maybe 3rd time will work
  12. HDen

    Search function

  13. no other options? It's useless to have those speeds with a 250GB cap. That really sucks
  14. Tonight's the night!
  15. one of those little tutti frutti cups
  16. Mad Men S04
  17. I should organize my cables too, they're all bundled up behind the desk so I don't have to see the mess
  18. I actually think that'd be very helpful for a lot of people, it's always nice to have a starting point/walkthrough
  19. Paul Schwartz - Aria
  20. I'll be watching It's always funny in philadelphia, better off ted, and finish with futurama
  21. tried this a while back, didn't work at all, big load of crap. It's all in the mind of whoever is using it
  22. Through the wormhole eps 7
  23. I personally like Buenos Hermanos, and Mi Sueno
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