Thanks! It pretty much IS immiculate. The previous owner cared for it as if it was his own child. It came with the original box, packing materials, owner manual, service manual, the transport screws, all the original plastic bags and baggies, the 45rpm adapter, the packing foam for the arm and transport mechanism, the original bill... truly exceptional. It did not have a single scratch on it.
It is simply the best turntable I have heard. Also have a PS-X75 biotracer that needs some work, but it sounded great as well when it was still working properly.
Will leave my impressions here of the new Denon cart. I had the 301 on there after using the 103 for a while (being a spare cart), and that sounded much more relaxed, open and detailed than the 103, but then the suspension died, and the needle went with it. So I still need to have that fixed sometime, if possible. Curious as to how the 304 will sound like after break-in, since it is a perfect match for my phono pre (headamp), impedance wise.
Don't really have any 'portable' Sony gear (well a '98 Discman, and a 2002 MZ-N10 MD aren't all that special...)
More fitting to this forum, I do have a pair of Telefunken TH-700 orthodynamic headphone, that I need to restore. The leather earpads have come off after some vandal left them in the sun for a couple of days once. They are in a box somewhere up in the attic, but I'd have to look for them. I really miss having some good headphone and these were great.
909: will send the manual to you as soon as I am at my own computer in a few hours!