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Everything posted by Stoffie

  1. Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Definitely wasn't going to toss them, if only for the sentimental value. As I remember them, they were pretty good on bass, but then again that's a 18 year old memory, at least, so... I'll see if I can put some new leathery stuff around the earpads, solder on a new jack, and see how they sound after all those years. I'm not much of a headphone listener anyway, but I can enjoy doing so every now and then.
  2. Oki doki, that was clear. Utter crap then I guess my recollections as a kid were romantic enough to do this thing justice. Thanks for the link.
  3. Hi guys, found my way here through another thread in another subforum. Have been drooling for years over a Sony MDR-R10 (bit of a Sony vintage gear fan), but there is no way I could afford it back in the '90, and still can't at the prices these go for nowadays. But anyway, as a kid I used to listen a lot through my dad's headphones, a pair of Telefunken TH-700 orthodynamic headphones, which I've always liked a lot. They were pretty expensive and Telefunken's TOTL offering in the late 70's. Unfortunately, through the years, the leather cushionpads have deteriorated badly, so they are not at all comfortable anymore to wear. I recently rediscovered these in a box up in the attic (I guess moving is good for at least something!), so took them out. Haven't tested them yet, because I need to attach a new plug (instead of the DIN plug). Any thoughts on this ? Here's some specs from the brochure (yes I even have that one still) - Orthodynamic - 2000mW - Frequency: 16-20000 Hz - Impedance: 120 Ohm - Max SPL: 94 dB
  4. Don't have my PS-X800's here, or I could get that info for ya. Just to put things in perspective a bit, I paid 325
  5. I don't really have the in depth knowledge about compliance, arms and carts and how they interact, so I can't give any scientifically valid response to this From the things I read about the biotracer technology, and things I have heard and read throughout the years, from owners of these tables, I does not seem to matter much what cart you use with it. It generally all sounds pretty damn good. I've tried an Ortofon MC20, Denon DL-103, Denon DL-301 mk II and even some cheap AT cart, and all seem to sound really good on this table (and also on my PS-X75 biotracer), as long as it's setup right in the headshell. Next one to try is the Denon DL-304 (still waiting...). I never meant to say it compensates for 'everything' the way you think of it. You know what I meant. However, the arm is filled with velocity sensors and linear motors that compensate for the behaviour of the arm, and do a good attempt to eliminate feedback. I can only say what my ears tell me, that this table sounds good with every cart I have tried up until now, which is what matters to me. If I have the time to unpack the weights (they are in the original box, up in the attic), I will post their weight here for reference
  6. The whole biotracer idea is that arm weight/cart weight/arm compliance is not a factor, the electronics compensate for everything. You can pretty much use anything on these things... 909: I did get the two arm weights. I could weigh them for you if you wanted, so you could have something made maybe ? Still waiting for my DL-304...come on postman!
  7. Thanks! It pretty much IS immiculate. The previous owner cared for it as if it was his own child. It came with the original box, packing materials, owner manual, service manual, the transport screws, all the original plastic bags and baggies, the 45rpm adapter, the packing foam for the arm and transport mechanism, the original bill... truly exceptional. It did not have a single scratch on it. It is simply the best turntable I have heard. Also have a PS-X75 biotracer that needs some work, but it sounded great as well when it was still working properly. Will leave my impressions here of the new Denon cart. I had the 301 on there after using the 103 for a while (being a spare cart), and that sounded much more relaxed, open and detailed than the 103, but then the suspension died, and the needle went with it. So I still need to have that fixed sometime, if possible. Curious as to how the 304 will sound like after break-in, since it is a perfect match for my phono pre (headamp), impedance wise. Don't really have any 'portable' Sony gear (well a '98 Discman, and a 2002 MZ-N10 MD aren't all that special...) More fitting to this forum, I do have a pair of Telefunken TH-700 orthodynamic headphone, that I need to restore. The leather earpads have come off after some vandal left them in the sun for a couple of days once. They are in a box somewhere up in the attic, but I'd have to look for them. I really miss having some good headphone and these were great. 909: will send the manual to you as soon as I am at my own computer in a few hours!
  8. Can't really answer your question, but if you should encounter problems anyways, there's still the Bootcamp/Windows XP option, or running a virtual windows setup through vmware for mac.
  9. Hey guys, found this while looking for another PS-X800 table. I see some of you are looking for the user manual. I have mine scanned (not the greatest quality, but readable), so if you want it, pm me with your emailaddress and I'll send it to you Just ordered a Denon DL-304 cart for mine, a step up from the DL-103 and DL-301mkII I was using up until now. Will be curious as to how much more wonderful the sound will get... I have a bunch more vintage Sony gear that I love, but I won't bother you with that Here's a money shot of mine...
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