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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MrSlacker

  1. hahaha sorry guys. USPS woke me up today at 9AM with delivery and stole over an hour of my sleep. Then I was in college from noon to 9PM so I am very beat. I dont want to use Pico until I can take sweet pics of it showing off the amazing packaging Justin uses. Im gonna crash now so I can do it tomorrow.
  2. Got my Pico today in the mail. I am too tired to even listen to it right now.
  3. haha no they actually celebrate new years every day for about 2 weeks... in russia, new years is like christmas here x100
  4. no problem. where you wonna do it?
  5. Pico? nope, its shipping this weekend.
  6. When did it arrive to Russia? Everyone in Russia has off till January 9th for New Years...
  7. well the only reason I got those was because of the price. I needed a watch I could go snowboarding with and not worry about damaging them
  8. Very nice Dusty! I also got a watch today, Oakley D3 $25 shipped brand new!
  9. Very nice... HTCs r the best
  10. Happy Birthday man!
  11. :doghuh: :doghuh:
  12. What do you guys think of the new 80GB Zunes? I am pretty sure I will get one closer to holidays or whenever there is some kind of discount on it. 80GB, 3.2 inch screen, $250... its also pretty much same size as the ipod so its pretty small. What are your thoughts?
  13. I think season 1 and 2 were GREAT. 3rd is not bad so far, but I think it could be better.... Definitively worth the download
  14. I really like the GTA series. Scarface was pretty good too
  15. MrSlacker


    I liked it for the most part. Twins are pretty annoying, but I can deal with it. I really think that Irish chick that Peter met has powers too.. we'll see
  16. MrSlacker

    Pushing Daisies

    I just watched it. I dont understand where the fuzz is coming from. I could barely get to the end of the episode. I hate how they are mixing up realistic world with a "make believe"-cartoonish elements. Of course thats just IMHO
  17. you sure? that one came out yesterday
  18. Should be here monday
  19. Whats your favorite drink?
  20. According to Skyshit, Ray IS coming out with portable DAC/Amp.... prolly cmoy+alien dac in 1 box
  21. who is that Oritek Audio dude?
  22. haha! my uncle was having problems w/ his WiFi and I didn't have time to go over there and fix it. So I told him to connect to the non-passworded one
  23. Weeds
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