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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MrSlacker

  1. S02E01 of Burn Notice
  2. Finally got myself a pair of good sunglasses
  3. Like others said, Mikhail is a great guy and his amps sound awesome. But I cannot understand how he allows himself to operate his business like this.I think he should stop taking ALL orders for a few months and catch up on his backlog, then start taking new orders again. Unless he does this, I don't see how he can recover.
  4. I can give you a ride back on Sunday, but u'll have to get home from NYC.
  5. sounds like Dusty got himself a date!
  6. i am on windows XP and its fine for me
  7. it looks pretty cool actually
  8. sounds awesome! What do you have planned for Friday night?
  9. MrSlacker

    Burn Notice

    Wanted the 1st season on Hulu.. pretty good show
  10. Happy Birthday everyone!
  11. I have seen that done in movies many times... sucks that it happened to you
  12. Finally got this in the mail today...
  13. goddamn thats a long thread
  14. I am leaning towards the Dell.. what do you all think?
  15. I really don't care. I don't think my current one is high quality or anything, but I am happy with it. I am looking at Gateway FHD2400 right now
  16. I am thinking of finally getting myself a 24" LCD. Right now I have 19" Samsung that I got a few years ago. It is a pretty basic model without any adjustments or inputs, but picture quality has been fine for me. However, now I want to get a nice LCD with composite inputs, HD, and all that other cool shit. I think 24" will be more than enough. I looked around and there seems to be so many options, I am pretty lost. Dell 2408WFP seems to be pretty sweet from features side, and my buddy has an older version of it that he loves... Which LCD can you recommend? Budget is probably around $600, but can be expanded if needed. I will use it for movies, games and internet. thanks!
  17. Steve, congrats on the new car! I am not a fan of buying brand new cars (prolly coz im in the used car business heh), but nothing beats a brand new car smell. I really hope they gave both of you a sweet deal since you got 2 cars from them...
  18. Happy Birthday Justin!!!
  19. heh btw, where in brooklyn are you going to?
  20. hhhmmm Lombardi's... i love that place
  21. Went to Trenton, NJ for some paperwork... what a waste of half a day
  22. Remember The Milk: Online to do list and task management
  24. congrats Nate!
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