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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MrSlacker

  1. Russians have the same exact thing. However, I said fuck it this year and did my cleaning this weekend too... gotta love the clean space (i give it about a week lol)
  2. lol so true
  3. goddamn i am happy that i stopped at $3K that would have been a HUGE ooops for me
  4. oh so you are the one! heh I bid $3000 and not planning to go any higher. Like you said, with current prices I am sure I can flip them fast
  5. wtf someone paid $4700 for the previous pair??? goddaaaamn just bumped them up to $2K ;D
  6. Congrats! Now I know who to call if I ever get in trouble in that county
  7. Went beer shopping with my brother today Goal was to pick up different beers because so far, I haven't tried a lot of beers and want to get into it a bit more. How did we do?
  8. Jan 7, 2009 9:28 AM Delivery exception BROOKLYN, NY Rerouted to correct delivery address Your item was forwarded to a different address at 9:28 AM on January 7, 2009 in BROOKLYN, NY 11201. This was because of forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on the label was incorrect. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later. FUCK YOU FEDEX AND USPS!!!!!!!!
  9. Got back from my Toronto trip. Crazy fun!
  10. I got to try Sauza Gold and Sauza Blanco last week and really liked Gold. Can't wait to try Don Julio... it was very expensive in Canada so I had to stick with more affordable Sauza.
  11. Alright sounds like I will pick up a bottle of Don Julio A
  12. I love fighting games, but not enough to buy expensive controller just for it. Regular controller is just fine for me.
  13. I drink it straight with a lime and salt. Which Sauza in particular?
  14. I am looking for reasonable priced tequila. Nothing over around $60 for 750ml. I usually drink Jose Cuervo Especial because it is cheap. My dad got me a bottle of Patron Silver and I really enjoy it. What would be your recommendations for tequila in my price range.?
  15. Happy Birthday! Wish you all the best.
  16. ATH-ES7 for my cousin. Ordered at 7PM last night, arrived here at noon with free shipping w00t
  17. Enjoy it I figured it would be appropriate since you like draft punk Yup, i sent him a gogol bordello CD
  18. forgot to post that I got manaox2's CD a few days ago... interesting stuff Scott, you should get yours in the next few days.
  19. never knew you could measure life like that... guess they do things differently in Texas now me and you are even on stupid spelling mistakes
  20. Anything by Canon will last for years
  21. wow what a retard. Do you have his address? We could mail him some nasty shit lol
  22. Cant you just get a few friends to buy them all for really cheap?
  23. Mike, GO GET HIM! Nothing will scare the shit out of him like a nice letter from a lawyer.
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