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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Hopstretch

  1. I'm laughing at you behind your back.
  2. East coast! East coast!
  3. You'll be first up against the wall when the revolution comes!
  4. I hear it sounds really warm.
  5. The iPhone meme-o'-the-week seems to be that the 3G chip is squirrely. Although, as a couple of commenters on that article point out, this is coming from the same genius who confidently predicted last year that the touch screens on the original model would die after six months. My reception is fine, but I'm aware that the plural of anecdote is not data.
  6. I like it. The relevant information is there and is easy to locate. I also like that you don't have acres of purple marketing prose claiming your cables will cure cancer or guarantee multiple orgasms. The more straightforward the better, in my opinion.
  7. Hopstretch

    Mad Men

    Obviously it is a period piece, which is part of the charm, but if you stick with it past that, you get a very sharp character study.
  8. You rat bastard! I even said please.
  9. Please stop making me think about getting into vinyl. I've got enough problems.
  10. Hopstretch

    Mad Men

    Dew eet.
  11. Although, try a taste of this, you ladies should. Like it you might!
  12. Also, just thought I'd mention I'm really happy with the Quads after a week of listening to them for several hours a day. My Senns are sulking! Despite flirting with the Little Dot MkVI, I've pretty much decided to stay with a single-ended setup rather than go to the hassle (and expense) of finding a balanced source I like as much as the Duet. So really the main question left is what's out there in the <$1,000 category that would be a solid step up from my current LD MkIVse as a combo headphone amp and speaker preamp? I'm a bit stumped for ideas, unless someone wants to sell me Zana Deux for a grand?
  13. Nice! I'd love to hear what you think of the SA-705s versus the NHT's you had.
  14. The Ray Samuels fan club typically makes that claim too, whenever design or implementation is (however briefly) at issue over there.
  15. Thanks Nate. If I do take a chance on one, I'll be happy to send it up your way so you can have a listen and a poke around inside, should you care to.
  16. If so, I apologize but I couldn't find it. Or any other mention of Little Dot, hence my groveling intro. Edit: Aaaand ... here it is of course. Off to do some reading. Please feel free to delete this.
  17. I love the AVS forums, but stability has not been their strong point.
  18. I know they don't get many (any?) mentions over here and this will probably mark me as irretrievably jejeune -- but, for the money, I've been pretty happy with the Little Dot MkIVse I picked up used on HF. Anyway, their new balanced tube amp is apparently now available at a fairly tempting $724 shipped to the U.S. and I wondered if anyone had any thoughts on the basic design? Haven't been able to locate any specs, though they explicitly say it was designed to be able to drive K1000s. Any idea what the driver tubes might be? Pity about the gold tube sockets, but what are you gonna do?
  19. Ah'm agin it.
  20. ^^^ When a good time turns around, You must whip it! You will never live it down, Unless you whip it! Edit: Also...
  21. Took the kids to a party. There were tubs of Gook and Ooblick, so they needed hosing down afterward, but the birthday boy's father also thoughtfully provided cold beer, so it wasn't all bad.
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