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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Hopstretch

  1. Happy Bourbonthday!
  2. The world is shit enough right now that some smooth music and bourbon together does not go astray.
  3. OK I want a 15" M3 Pro MacBook Air please. I guess that will come next year.
  4. Favorite South African band. Went to school with the drummer. Probably not entirely PC 10 years on?
  5. Hi gents. A rather random question for the hive mind. This is the new mudroom-in-progress. During the design, we opted to keep the "seat" small to preserve full width access to the elevator that's in the left corner of the space. Sadly, we were a little too conservative and it's ended up looking downright vestigial. It's just under 6" and really needs to be at least 8" to be much use. (That's what she said!) I'm wondering if there's any practical way to add a "lip" extension made from the same wood. Obviously it would be load bearing -- a considerable load in my case -- so secure attachment would be the major consideration? There is less than half an inch of overhang of the current seat from the supports and the cross members are only 2" by 1". Suggestions welcomed, including "it's a dumb idea, just live with it as is you big maroon."
  6. The man can certainly write a very catchy song. Which is presumably why he is doing so for Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey and Lorde. (Edit: Also St. Vincent, Florence and the Machine and the 1975. Huh, thanks Wikipedia.)
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. Very distressing. RIP to noted humanitarian Mr. Prigozhin.
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. New Gunship album incoming.
  11. Listening and watching and enjoying.
  12. So the art craters were at the Rancho today bright and early and I have to say that, other than Milo and Otis, I have never seen sawdust fly like that. These lads knew what they were about!
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