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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Hopstretch

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. Jolly good what what! Happy Birthday me old son.
  3. One out of the archives.
  4. Happy Birthday Mikey. Perhaps a wee dram?
  5. The Cure did a live stream from London tonight of their new album, which is ... fine, honestly. But after playing that, they then spent another 2+ hours blistering through their back catalog and it was something else! Robert Smith still in great voice, the band tight, A++ live sound mixing. This 80s kid highly recommends! The retrospective starts about an hour in after the first intermission.
  6. Best mate sold his UK software company and is in the process of moving to Portugal. Said this is the inspiration.
  7. Everyone in Atlanta has a Big Green Egg, as the company is based here. I might get one. How do we feel about Kamado cooking in general?
  8. They finally found a decent resolution video of this for YouTube. RIP Alan Rickman and Sharleen Spiteri I might have thought of you in some private moments, if you know what I mean?
  9. This goes straight to 11 in the first second of the song. A worthy addition to the rap/rock crossover pantheon? Ice-T and David Gilmour -- "Comfortably Numb"
  10. Lot of bad old South Africa memories rehashed over the past week. Johnny was one of the unequivocal good ones.
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