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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. x2 I never take anything said on HF seriously, so everything ends up being funny instead of homicidal rage inducing.
  2. it's snowing tomorrow
  3. GS-1 + HD800 is a good combo. HiFace is something I would like right now, but I don't have a bong handy.
  4. it'll pump an O2... full of bias
  5. redtube really sucks, try youjizz, youporn, xvideos, maybe pornhub
  6. attempted to teach myself hertzian dipoles, arrays, waveguides in various mediums, and re-teach myself Fresnel equations/brewster's angle/snell's law... coming up, plane waves, transmission lines (steady state and transients), and some other shit
  7. Yup that's what I meant by 'all that crap'. Lundahl trafo boxes ftw, eventually I'll want to make one too. The problem is that I have too many headphones with weird (non-Stax) bias voltages now.. ESP6, ESP10, Jecklins, ET1000...
  8. I don't really care what they rename it to, as long as they actually start having (good) things on tap.
  9. I could be wrong but I think the ESP6 has a lot of potential (for a closed headphone) once you take out all that junk. Pretty sure the spike in the HF is caused by reflection of the backwave from all that crap so it should flatten out after taking them out and also applying some backwave sucking material to the nice big cups. But I shouldn't try to make it sound too good or I'll be sad when I blow it up.
  10. I'm going to take out the circuit boards and transformers as soon as I can, and replace the cable with a ESP950 extension cable with a WPI plug. Hopefully the headband won't be so bad and actually fit my head... but if it doesn't work, of course I will have to find some other headband to attach. Sigh, always so much work for every headphone I get, I don't know why I put up with it every time.
  11. Periphery - Periphery Holy shit they're from MD.
  12. Sorry to hear, Steve. I didn't have very long with the one grandfather I knew (the other one was a psychotic drunkard who died when I was little and who I'd never met), but he died about 1.5 years ago and going to and playing at his funeral really unlocked something in me and I got hit pretty hard mentally for awhile. Hope you have a successful surgery Jacob.
  13. A new member of my vintage electrostatic headphone family will be arriving, hopefully in time for Xmas. No I wasn't intending to win the auction.
  14. You could say it's not really scamming because pretty much all taxis are like that. You step in the car, it's $10-15 already. I had to pay $45 bucks or something to get driven like 10 miles once.
  15. I know what I like, gender has nothing to do with it. Way to be shallow.
  16. That's so metal. \m/
  17. You know, once you get used to her voice, it's pretty adorably terrible. May listen again.
  18. I just noticed.. is that a.. shovelmushroompenis?
  19. Now fermented cheesesticks I left in my backpack for a couple of days and forgot about.
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