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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mypasswordis

  1. http://www.audioxpress.com/magsdirx/ax/addenda/media/muhammad.pdf
  2. I'd say I have a 70/20/10 split between computer audio, CD, and vinyl usage but I always listen through albums at a time regardless of format.
  3. I used that one really minimalist program which loaded each audio file into computer RAM to play and noticed a slight improvement, so maybe I am a computer audio wacko too... I'all be crazy.
  5. After I plugged the ESP6 into my receiver to make sure both channels were working, I opened it up and took out the disintegrating foam. Which was actually in better condition than the ESP10 foam, this time the foam looked fine until you touched it and chunks broke off. None of it "oozed" onto the PCB/components. The ESP6 and ESP10 share the fact that for some reason Koss really didn't like to use solder and so they have little posts for all the wires which are held in by "locking in." The ESP10 had the wires crimped to washers which were held into the posts by hex nuts. The PCBs are held in with posts/hex nuts. Pretty funny stuff.
  6. lol that's hardcore. Though I don't know how he can run Vista on only 1.5GB of memory.
  7. Can't imagine the pain you're going through, I hope your leg makes as full a recovery as it can.:/
  8. Nothing wrong with being safe rather than sorry. That said, if I ever go to a rave, I intend on getting the full experience. Now that I have successfully derailed the thread.. I like how there's at least six dubstep remixes of Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap (who I'm a fan of). I dig this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1Lk4N-EEdY
  9. Then I think X would be more appropriate.
  10. Legalize it, have the Mexican drug cartels (aka Mexico) be the sole providers and regulate under the FDA, have it heavily taxed and use the money for getting us out of debt and subsidies for things like healthcare and education.
  11. Breakbot - Happy Rabbit
  12. strap-ons?
  13. Recently upgraded service... feels good man.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC2fMPHxnz4
  15. Flesch is definitely not fun, pretty much as bad as Paganini caprices but with even less musical content. I'm just getting back into the swing of things after three weeks of not touching the violin. Let us know how Hrimaly is!
  16. still awake too lulz, gotta make it to 2pm and then it's ultra deep sleep hibernation time
  17. Trying to pull an all nighter for the first time in a year or so... I suck at pulling all nighters. Tried to pull one yesterday but still had to get in two hours, and then a few hours nap in the afternoon.
  18. I tried a one pound patty Fuddruckers burger once, it was pretty mediocre but it did last me two meals.
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. The SR-X is a good headphone, eerily flat in frequency response other than the slight LF roll off which is fixed in the pro bias version.
  21. the key to the future lies in the past
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